Korg Nu:Tekt DIY Synth kit

An impossible task, the oscillator code is just the loop for the oscillator and it’s 3 parameters.

I’m building a template in midi designer pro 2 on the iPad and it’s working well as a memory recall so far. It’s working great in the direction of iPad to NTS-1, but having issues I mentioned above not receiving all oscillator type messages from the unit. But that’s ok really, as long as you set the Oscillator/FX types from the iPad, it works flawlessly in that direction. I’ll be uploading it to them when it’s finished, which presumably means it will be available to everyone.

I did build one in Lemur last week which I’ve owned for years and never really found useful, only afterwards did I discover it’s pretty useless as preset storage, it has no send all functionality or any snapshot capabilities. So I bought Midi Designer pro a couple of days ago, it’s on sale right now. It’s been a bit traumatic getting the type selections working, but I’ve got my head around it now and overall I’m impressed with the app. It could do with some batch editing features for the button groups which are seriously painful to work with, but for knobs it’s really quick and easy.

It has the ability to save presets although I think there are limited slots per project, but it’s good enough for me, just restoring the state you left it in is a great thing.


I think it’s about done now, I’ve added recall buttons for the 20 preset slots, here’s a quick video showing the recall. Sometimes the effect type doesn’t engage but a second press gets it right. All in all it’s pretty good really!


For those interested, there is a massive FREE Korg NTS-1 "Ideas” Soundset (180MB) available here: Korg NTS-1 "Ideas” Soundset (FREE) - lfo store
THANKS to LFO Store :wink:


How are these uploaded to the NTS-1 as it doesn’t directly support presets or storage out of curiosity?

No idea, I do not have a NTS-1 :slight_smile:

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they obviously can’t be uploaded.
i strongly suspect presets were made with this editor (judging by .syx extensions).

since there’s no SysEx header inside patch files, i suspect they are actually just a bunch of CC messages, and it should be possible to send them to NTS-1 with any generic utility like MIDIOX.

but this is just a speculation, i have not tried them yet to talk for sure.

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Incidentally, I’ve finished my editor for MDP2 now, and tried to upload it but it’s complicated and requires a human to create an account it seems… I’m not sure why it has to be as complicated as it is, but hopefully it won’t take long. I’ve made a personal version where I named all of the Modules I have loaded that I’m sure I want to keep in there permanently which makes life easier.


still haven’t heard anything so I’ve tried uploading it here, it should open in MDP2 I imagine. Hopefully at some point it will be listed on their site, but at least it’s now out there in the meantime.

2021-12-29-Korg NTS-1.mididesigner (218.3 KB)

EDIT: it’s now available directly from the site:


10 posts were split to a new topic: Korg Nu:Tekt DIY Oscilloscope NTS-2

I’ve been thinking about making an enclosure with a breakout board. Should prevent breaking the USB and 3.5 mm jacks. Plug the internal cables into the NTS-1, then use the jacks on the enclosure to connect external cables. Hard to break, easy to fix, walnut and steel.

The thing is, would it make sense to break the audio in/out jacks into two 6.3 mm mono jacks? Or to keep them as 3.5 mm stereo? I can see arguments for both options. There would even be space for DIN MIDI…

Here’s a quick and dirty sketch of one of the possible designs:

Main features:

  • USB-B (yay!)
  • breakout jacks for sync in/out (3.5 mm)
  • breakout jack for MIDI in (3.5 mm or DIN, haven’t decided yet)
  • breakout jacks for audio in/out (3.5 mm stereo or dual 6.3 mm mono, haven’t decided yet)
  • all the jacks are on the rear panel (but I’m considering a version with top jacks, would be easier to make)


  • gotta make a finger hole on the side for adjusting volume, there’s no elegant solution to that
  • it will be big and heavy, it’s walnut and steel after all

Also if I make a version with jacks on the top panel, it would have enough space for a power bank in the bottom… but that would be a pain to implement well.

What do you think?

You could fit a volume pot between the NTS and the output sockets in the enclosure. And leave the trimmer at full volume.

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That makes sense! Definitely more elegant than a finger hole.

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