Least favorite vegetables?

I love vegetables but bell peppers are disgusting and I can’t bare to look at p$#s or even type the word. Mushy p$%s…well, wtf, that’s a horrible idea I’d rather eat mushy durian which I know is a fruit.


Sorry… too dark… I’ll say brussle sprouts


I’m yet to meet a vegetable I dislike!

Did you know that peppers have more vitamin C than oranges? When it comes to vitamin C the orange always gets all the credit, but the pepper is the real hero


My mother used to torture the whole family with canned peas. Barf! My brother to this very day will not go near a pea in any form. Also bell peppers of any color are lame. They don’t gross me out or anything but they’re dumb and useless.


If olives were vegetables, that would be my choice. Otherwise, I think eggplant might be it; I still eat it but I rather not.


I liked this truth posting!


I like peppers but not bell peppers. They are like the deadmau of the pepper family for me.

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I concur with all of this. Hello brother.

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for the second time since my account was created I am near the daily limit of likes one can give to posts! who made a dumb rule that I can only like so many posts per day? what if everyone is spittin hot fire all day, what do I do then?? create a new post that says “I liked this in spirit” for solidarity? c’moonnn


Oh I meant to be replying to your post but I guess I just replied to the thread in general. It’s nice to find another person that dislikes the bell peppers. Those seem to be everybody’s darlings. My roommate just loves to stuff them with stuff and then eat them. I don’t see why.

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back when I was a carnivore this was the way


I feel your pain and am kinda shocked someone actually agrees with me on both of these. Maybe convince them to use cubanellas instead? The skin on bell peppers is way to thick to be enjoyable amoung other issues.

Also, I hate when people say veggie or veg that makes me gag as well.

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Trying stuff a non bell pepper with mushrooms and buckwheat.

I like your dyslexia and I understood what you meant!

unofficial like given

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aubergine, im good with everything else.


Not trying to convince you to like them or anyone else but have you tried the slender Asian varieties? I find them to be exponentally better than the standard American/European ones.

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I do like red and yellow bell peppers. Time to add them to my grocery list again, lol.

The Australian kakadu plum is apparently #1 in vitamin C. Unfortunate name though.

Even more than acerola?

I hate peas, pea shoots and most things pea related… unless mushed and seasoned. In that case you can get on my pie!

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I know it’s technically a fruit or whatever, but fuck you, avocados. Fucking why the fuck does anyone want to eat what appear to be what fucking bogies would look like if trees had fucking noses.

Fucking pointless green tasteless snotty textured cut hands trying to get the cunting shit out of it fucking waste of water bullshit.

I really like swede though.