Least favorite vegetables?

Well… I could of really used your help with my original spelling of vegetables.

I happen to agree and telling most people that is like telling a radiohead fan you don’t like radiohead.

Can’t say I have but ill keep it in mind…

We’ve been putting padron peppers in lots of dishes recently, they’ve elevated them all.

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I like nearly all veg that I’ve tried.
But I had a sea buckthorn posset (get me) in a restaurant once.
Tasted like vomit. In fact I think it might have been.
I’m not sure how I’ll get through life with this particular aversion.


I once did that at a Radiohead gig, to a few thousand Radiohead fans.

Bet there were a few angry poems written that night…


Cucumbers are disgusting.


Did tom yorke fling his birkenstocks at you after?

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Kale can fuck off. No matter how it’s prepared, it’s shit. I grow a shit-ton of vegetables in my garden every year, including a variety of greens from chard to mizuna, but kale can go straight to hell.


It’s great for distracting caterpillars mind you, the little fuckers love it.


I like kale.


I doubt he had the energy.

Motherfucker’s not been eating enough spinach.

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I love mustard greens.

Speaking of spinach it’s like the catfish of the vegetable world. You clean and cook a bag of it and you end up with a tablespoon.


Thanks for the tip. I should plant some as a bait crop.

They are delicious. I haven’t had them in ages…


I really hated avocados for decades. Then at the ripe old age of 42 I ordered a torta from a truck in San Diego and it had guacamole on it. I ate it anyway and now I really like avocados. I don’t know what happened.

You sold out to Big Avo, that’s what happened.


The thing about vegetables in America at least when I grew up is people keep pushing vegetables on you with this attitude that kids don’t like vegetables and it becomes a bit like a self fulfilling prophecy / rebellion against your parents (who don’t even eat many vegetables) for many who don’t venture afar in the food world.

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fuckin duped by the man. Again.


Cucumbers are the absolute worst. Brussels sprouts went from my second least favourite to top tier once they’re cooked right.

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Everyone seems to hate Brussel sprouts for a period of time because the only thing a lot of people did with them back in the day was to boil them.


eggplant because… eggplant.
and beets because… eggplant :face_vomiting:

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