Least favorite vegetables?

Every couple weeks usually when I’m stoned and just ate some beets (which is weekly) I badger my girlfriend to admit that beets are a top 5 “unordinary” vegetable (as in not an onion, potato, etc.) but she never capitulates.

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Apparently in the ‘90s, bitterness was bred out of cultivated Brussels sprouts. This accounts for why Brussels sprouts are actually delicious today. (I don’t recall the old ones, my dad forbade Brussels sprouts from the kitchen :muscle:)


yep they’re like the superhero of vegetables… I just can’t stand them, however I am going to get into the beet health drink supplements that taste like cherry or something

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That’s like tomatoes these days which are mostly bred to be low in acid.

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Slice them up and soak them in a slightly sweet vinegar (sushi vinegar if you are lazy and have it readily available). Or douse in a sesame dressing.


I dislike cucumbers as well unless in a strong vinaigrette or pickled.

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Have you tried smacking the fuckers?

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source: 20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin C

Jicama, turnip, beets, winter melon are too dull for me. Bitter melon (karela) is too harsh. I’m off green bell peppers after having eaten them for much of my life, as they now taste watery and bland. Not sure if it’s me or breeding for transport. Ditto yellow or orange peppers (definitely recent inventions). But I eat red bell peppers a lot, as they’re now available year-round and they keep well in the fridge. I like poblanos, padróns, shishitos when I can find them.

Here are some ways to redeem hated vegetables.

Brussels sprouts: cut in half, fry cut-side down in olive or canola oil until brown, pour in some soy sauce (or fish sauce) and mirin (or Chinese cooking rice wine), cover and steam until the liquid is almost gone. They’re like a different vegetable entirely.

Kale: tear leaves into 5cm pieces, toss with a bit of olive oil and salt, spread out on cookie sheets and bake in a 300F / 150C oven for 20-30 mins, turning once. Eat like chips (crisps). Again, a substantial transformation.

Eggplant: roast whole in a 425F / 220C oven until saggy and soft. Peel and mash with roasted garlic. Add some lemon juice and tahini (sesame paste) to taste. This is baba ganoush. Or mash with roasted red bell peppers and possibly minced fried onions. This is ajvar.

(I hated eggplant as a kid, but grew to love it as an adult. It’s so versatile! I tend to go for the smaller, slender Chinese or Japanese eggplants, and I stir-fry them or add them to Thai curries.)


Vegetables are awesome!


I agree but I believe a true lover of anything has a negative opinion to share.

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So much negativity in this world, why take it out on poor old vegetables!


I didn’t know this! That’s pretty interesting. They still have a little bitterness, and I like that about them. Now I wish I could to OG Brussels sprouts


You talk like I beat bell peppers with a bat. I haven’t done that since I worked in the ajvar factory.

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Because they can’t flag your posts!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a veg-o-phile, but I get it. I mean, I really hate kale. No matter how long I steam it or braise it or how much rendered pork fat I add to it, it’s still a fibrous abomination that insinuates itself into every cranny of my teeth. The flavor is fine, the texture is awful.


I make an Italian wedding soup with kale that rocks!

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I’ve said it before and I will say it again: all you need to know about a restaurant is whether the use bell peppers or not.

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I can’t disagree with you but that’s why it’s better as a salad which is odd about some tough spindly things.

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@onthebannedwagon may I ask what prompted this thread? Were you compelled to eat some bell peppers recently?

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lol I lyke all creative speeling

I’ll support you on this after you grind a little salt and pepper on a piece and wrap it in cheddar. If you can eat that and tell me it’s not good then I will admit the error of my ways.

I met him once, tried to sell me a car.

I knew a guy who used to go around telling people “fuck the blues” for a similar reasons of antagonism but I never gave him much credit because he always tried to get people to shake hands with their left hand because he thought he was being different and I believe if you wipe with the left, then you shake with the right and if not then fuck you I don’t want to greet you anyways.

did tom yorke invent toms? wouldn’t surprise me.

I will second this, kale CAN fuck off. gets stuck in my goddamn throat no matter how much I chew those gritty leaves.

yeah because people are born with noses and they fucking stink.

I wish to meet these spirits from brussels