List the famous Musicians you have Met in Your Life as a Musician

I once tried to convince Anti-Pop Consortium to buy a Korg ES-1 from me.

Also nearly inadvertently toppled Bjork while walking with friends through Soho NYC once upon a time.

Also had a peculiar interaction with 3/4 of KISS’s mid nineties lineup while working at an at an army/navy store in Boston.

Also, Kriss Kross came into said store stoned out of their minds around that time, and tried on camo BDU pants…backwards, as one would hope.


Interesting thread. For the sake of remembering (man my memory sucks). I’ve met quite a few, mostly on tours at gigs around the US and UK. The friendliest ones I met:

LL Cool J
Thom Yorke
Noel Gallagher
Aimee Mann
Frank Black/Black Francis (not especially nice, but a hero of mine so I don’t care).

For some reason I was too star struck to talk to Jane’s Addiction (they were fully rock star’ed out) but I peed next to Perry Farrel if that counts.


You win the thread as far I’m concerned. Love them!


+1! All-time music hero and surpassed expectations to boot!

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Erykah Badu, Scott Herren, Sam Beam, Eek-A-Mouse, Sister Carol, Edward Ka-Spel, cEvin Key, RJD2, Blueprint, C-Rayz Walz, Guilty Simpson, Boots Riley, Lyrics Born, Sinead O’Connor, Silverman, Blockhead, Damien Jurado, Richard Buckner, Chan Marshall (Cat Power), Busdriver, Pigeon John, Mr. Lif, Gift of Gab (RIP).


For sure. He was cool as hell. Really fun dude.

Love Aimee Mann. Great songwriter.

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I got in Frankie Knuckles way on a bus backstage at Bestival.

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I smoked a Joint with Luke Vibert after one of his Gigs in Berlin, 2010.
A very chilled and friendly person.

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oh shit, yeah, that Luke Vibert one reminds me I also spent an evening working at a festival radio station while Underground Resitance DJ’d
And leant Matt Black from Coldcut an iPod.

the glamour never starts with me.

Ah, the legendary Tony Wilson, nice one - I met him when he was DJing at Turnmills club in London. What a bloke. I bought him a drink, but I’m sure he thought I was trying to spike him (I WASN’T!!).

Shared the stage and backstage with Om in “Vortex” Siegen(Germany) 2013 (as the drummer from Corridors :slightly_smiling_face:)


In no particular order:

  • Luke Vibert. Shared my first bong - made out of a sink bottle trap. Also had a go on his 303.
  • Richard D. James. Roadied a pair of 1210s to a house party he was playing and then went for a fry up with him, Vibert and the Rephlex crew.
  • Guy Garvey, Craig Potter, Mark Potter, Pete Turner and Richard Jupp from Elbow. Got a lift with the latter to and from a gig they played in Sheffield.
  • John Bramwell, Peter Jobson and Andy Hargreaves from I Am Kloot.
  • Billy Bragg.
  • Gwen Stefani.
  • Graham Coxon. We hung out at his pad after pub closing time.
  • Josh Homme, Joey Castillo, Alain Johannes, Natasha Shneider and Troy Van Leeuwen from Queens of the Stone Age.
  • Ian Brown. I cleaned up his spilled coffee for which he was eternally grateful.
  • Mike Ladd/Infesticons/Majesticons. Bought him a whiskey.
  • Rodney Smith/Roots Manuva. Think he had a Guinness.
  • Carl Barât and Pete Doherty from The Libertines.

Near misses:

  • I once walked past Iggy Pop - sat on a throne with a Chihuahua on his lap. Decided not to disturb them.
  • Could have met some of The Rolling Stones (former clients) if I really wanted to. I didn’t.

Probably some others that are lost to hazy memories.


I used to co run a few nights, a house and breaks one in the mid-2000’s and met Future Funk Squad + various breaks people.
Various London Acid Techno people.
Will from the Propellorheads was a good friend of my best mate and met him a few times.
Lots of indie bands at Moles club in Bath
Paul McCartney on a train (he was going to Soho Farmhouse). I was using my Rytm on the train, his whole family got up tried to get off at the wrong stop. I went to the bar (back when they had them on trains) and he was chatting to the staff. He asked if I was making music and what with as he had seen me walking down from 1st class (short platforms, long train). I told him and joked it was a bit lighter than the Mellotron, which he laughed at. I realised it was not going to get better than that and beat a hasty retreat. Very friendly, interested and down to earth.


Is your name Polly?



Arguing with Front 242… i bet they won the debate ! :slight_smile:

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This thread is like a pissing in the wind contest.


…no they did not…they simply had nothing left to argue with me, just mentioning later backstage that they’d performed a whole “live” show full on pretending, even head banging included, behind some emu emulator 2, that had not even a single out put cable attached to it… :wink:

hey guys, don’t blame u for playbax in the late 80ies, if ur performing ebm full on, but at least take care that the illusion is half way convincing…come on…

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in that case, no