Looking for a reverb

Yees thanks ! I just send a message to him :slight_smile:
I will tell you if it become mine or not !

For those looking at buying a nice reverb pedal, you might want to wait a bit, as there is a rumor that Strymon will be releasing a new (Volante style) reverb pretty soon.


Polara Reverb is so good for the priceā€¦

Straight into epic reverb and then 10 seconds later horns from outer space:


DFAM apocalypse (some delay here though):

So yea, best $169 spent on music gear lol

But it sounds like you might want a midi controllable/dual engine reverb? If so, you can ignore the Polara.

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Not specialy midi but stereo out, simple and less than 150ā‚¬.
I had a +300ā‚¬ Strymon reverb beforeā€¦ its nice on one instrument but totaly useless on master fx for me.
(Useless in the fact that i cant hear difference between 300ā‚¬ and a 100ā‚¬ reverb on fx master).
I have a el capistan that i never sell because i use it as a creative effect for exemple :slight_smile:


Apparently. Liveliness (:smile:) parameter is for high frequencies gain thatā€™s it?

@Rea_001 Iā€™m not sure if you mentioned the style of music you wanted to make with that reverbā€¦
Apparently you donā€™t care about realistic reverbs. Do you like MD reverb? Do you want long, short reverbs, both?


Yeah thats the point. MD reverb is maby the solution with good parameter.
My sound is ambient and idm but i dont make this topic for the ambient part. Its more for the idm part with rapid beat etcā€¦ so i need a short reverb for all percusives sound :slight_smile:

MD reverb? :thinking:

@Leo-iSL quote!

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The Polara is stereo in and out.

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Polara is on my liste :wink: and i know i wiil test somes reverb :slight_smile:
Polara and cathedral for sure !

Yes ! And now a stupid question : why ā€œElvisā€ ? And i see Elvis face on my MKI haha but what the deal with the reverb ?

PS : i just order the quadra on AF :slight_smile: so curious to test it with my MD & DN. And i defenetly digg the MD reverb !

I second everyone who thought of the bam, and the form factor is great as well :


the plus: same hardware but with some extra effects/available - like tuned filters etc

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You saw Elvis? Didnā€™t he talked about reverb?




:joy: NO.
And curious things he doesnā€™t say ā€œPolara polara polaraā€ like a parrot :frowning:

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Thanks everyone for you help !
I will come here to tell you my impression on the quadraverb if there are interestedā€¦
and I promise, I will test the Polara !
Good discovery, and I did not know this brand (Digitech).

Another shout out to Lexicon incase you come across one and want to put it along side the Quadreverb .
I use a Lexicon Reflex and it is the best reverb Iā€™ve ever used for both tight drum verb and long ,lush dream verb (making whole tracks our the later).


Thanks ! I add it to the list :slight_smile:

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I was always curious about the Reflexā€¦ had the Vortex for awhile that could do some crazy things.

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Just love the sound of that reverb. Basic functions
Havenā€™t done much midi warping with itā€¦maybe I should try :thinking: