Looking for a reverb

I just received the Quadra :slight_smile: A old gear but look good inside !

I will test it this evening.


Nice! Hope you like it! What did you pay for it ?

93€ with shipping !

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Thats Sweet! Congrats!

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Just bought a 1986 Midiverb Alesis (30euros :partying_face:) , pretty old school and noisy but i has a good character and interesting on MD Drums, really warm it up. Maybe the Alesis Midiverb Serie is for you !

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Make sure to put it into send effects mode!


I have the manuel too… so i will read it but what is “send mode”… sound strange to me and i always use fx on send.
To have only send sound you only need to turn the fx 100% wet.
Whats the difference here ?

And is Quadraverb 1 not 2

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Haha ok i guess that they are no dry/wet knobs on the unit :slight_smile:
Thanks !

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Yeah I’m not seeing this as an option in my QV1 manual. :frowning: I think all my presets are already saved 100% wet.

Ok ! Good to know. So we can just param the effect on 100% wet :slight_smile:
I just start the manual.


@xidnpnlss I don’t know if this can be usefull but I have a note written on manual about the individual effect levels that say :
“For the hottest signal with the lowest noise use these settings :
Direct 50 / Master 50 / EQ 50 / Pitch 75 / Delay 99 / Reverb 99”


I recently aquired a Quad too. I’ll give these settings a run and see what it’s all about.


whoops! sorry about that.

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Just seen this thread.
I’ve had a Quadraverb a few years now.
And a Polara.

They’re both excellent.

I just found out that the Oceans 12 is two independent reverbs, and it’s also stereo. So it’s like getting two Ocean 11s that are now stereo. I love the sound of the 11, and think its shimmer is one of the best out their. However it being mono delayed my acquisition of it. Now that I’m aware of the 12, I’ll most likely make my next purchase.


Two independent reverb ! Interessting indeed. My Quadra is for my MD/Digitone setup.
But now i looking for some pedale for my ambient setup. I’ll looking this Ocean :slight_smile:


Not hardware but free


Hi !
After somes days with Quadraverb (i love it) i noticed one thing ! When i powerup the Quadra the screen show “Quadraverb Plus”.
So what does it mean ? Is an intern update ? And what are the changes ?

Sounds like someone’s updated it with the Quadraverb Plus EPROM. Lucky you.
It has a fair bit more stuff. I think it has a ring modulator, tremelo, multi-tap delay and, wait for it, sampling capabilities (though what those capabilities are or how it is implemented is beyond my experience).

Manual is here.



Thanks ! And yes indeed i have all this fonction : ring modulator, tremelo, multi-tap delay and sampling capabilities. I don’t test this last fonction !
Thanks for the link :slight_smile: