Looking for a reverb

Free upgrade!, Lucky sod

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I recently ordered a Quadraverb2 to try out compared to the quadra I picked up for my collaborator. The shop ended up sending me a Quadraverb (non-2) but I have no qualms as the unit was NM. It was also upgraded to the “plus” firmware. There seems to be atleast 2 revisions of these units as my mate’s is a flat black front panel and mine is brushed aluminum but we detected no SQ difference and we realized his unit was also upgraded to the “plus” firmware. Seems to be almost standard. I believe his unit is from '89, mine from '96.

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89 for mine !

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Di tou know if Quadraverb cab received program change message from an elektron gear ?

Is the upgrade worth it? I see a lot of chips on Reverb for 20eur

I’m not certain, as now I realize I’ve never used a non-plus version, but I go through hoops to make sure all my gear is running the latest stable revision, especially when that means more functionality available via the front panel.

Quadra seems to react really well to CC’s, better than most of it’s budget contemporaries. I believe you can set up 4 parameters per preset for cc control.

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Thanks to have talked about it!
Received today and very happy with it.
80€, so yeah, hard to beat.


I’m curious about the “liveliness” pot.

The manual makes it sound like it’s a high damp/boost only.
Does turning it clockwise remove any of the lows while also boosting the highs?


glad I could help, hope you enjoy it!

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I tested with a white noise, Hall preset, all setting fully clockwise.
Damper for sure, high boost maybe, not much, hard to tell because it seems to high pass, less low, so you hear more highs.
Anyway the result is nice.
Damping is anti-clockwise (right term? on the left).

Yep. Missing a freeze setting, maybe I’d combine it with OT / DT / DN reverb with INF setting.

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I got a Lexicon MPX100 for £60, to me it sounds far better than any software. It’s not even anywhere near being a fancy Lexicon either, but it’s an actual Lexicon chip, not the licensed Digitech one.

Reminds of the late 90’s Renegade Hardware sound.

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“Counter-clockwise” is what Americans say.

High pass with less lows is exactly what I want. Hmmm.
Thanks for the info!

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I used it with an 8 strings guitar with low E (around 41 hz) with really nice results to my ear!

So what about the Blackhole you mentioned recently?

I love it on my OT. It’s doing exactly what I want. It has the low and high damp, independent.

But since it pretty much lives there, I look at others with stereo i/o for my Pro 2.

Mercury7, Polara, Oceans12, and quietly hope for a dedicated MangledVerb algo in a new Eventide pedal. I love that MangledVerb has the 3 band EQ and a bit of overdrive as well.
Meanwhile, using some VST chains that consist of various Valhalla and Audio Damage plug-ins for my Pro 2.

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Polara on synth, probably other interesting videos.

Off topic, is Pro 2 a bit like Mopho / Tetra?
I didn’t gel at all with the Tetra, can’t tell exactly why… Happy with Pulse 2 / A4 now.

GFI System Specular Reverb

let’s move that to this Pro 2 thread

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@depuratumba or others if interested in Polara it is possible to kill dry signal plugging input 2, and output 1.
Mono only. I opened it for a stereo kill dry mod, but I don’t know how I’d do it…

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