

Have at 'er… That’s a long day. :sweat_smile:


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What do you guys think of the Digitakt as a looper post 1.5 OS update?

For me, the DT now has a smooth and easy workflow for producing loop based tracks with non my gearhead artist and singer friends. We start with a basic beat, both work on improvising riffs on our respective instruments until some stick, then we either move onto a new scene and find new riffs or take the good ones and chop them up and turn them into something new. Fun to hear a singer jamming out in slice mode with their own vocals that they just recorded :slight_smile:

So far everyone I’ve showed this workflow understands it immediately and by the end of the sesh is able to operate the DT as a looper on their own. Plus, an added bonus to doing it this way is you end up with a perfect record of all the scenes you created during the session that you can revisit and tweak after the fact.


I hope they will implement a way to quantize recording start, and ideally an option to auto save and assign to a track with a trig : this would make a kind of looper.
(midi message for rec start!)


basically the Octatrack :joy::kissing_heart:


Maybe not foolproof enough for live performance, but I find that while playing a sequence on DT in 1.50 the Jeff Mills trick of tapping next to the record button in time before tapping record on the 1 generally works without a hitch for a set length sequence, a bit like working with other hardware loopers… plug into a track with a trig on the 1, mute other tracks as it starts, usually seamless (taking into account normalization and conversion to mono…).

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Being able to queue recording for when a pattern resets would be choice. I think it could be done without record trigs just in the existing menu to keep it simple but record trigs would be crazy awesome (and complicated).

Doing it all yourself isnt ideal rn because you have to tap record in time to get perfect loops, which is fine as a producer but solo it’s not as feasible if your instrument requires two hands. For looping a synth you’re sequencing or tapping out rhythms it’s perfect tho imo.

Ahahah fortunately Jeff Mills thought about doing it :wink:
Sarcasm apart, that’s the way to do even if you play an instrument : you start to play one or two turns before you loop the thing.

You can use a Midi foot pedal

Thank you for being cool. I look up to your encyclopedic looper knowledge in general and would love to pick your brain about the Rang and all the reasons why you think it’s the mack daddy sha-boing sha-boing Dexter Hamilton to the 15th power.

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the best tool for the job is not always the best tool for the job, but rather the best feeling tool for the job is the best tool for the job which is why the best tool for the job is the best feeling tool… unless you don’t feel that way in which case the best tool for the job is not the tool that feels best but the tool that you think is the best regardless of how it feels…
there is no such thing as lack of validity in regards to the process, what I would hope instrument makers would be spending their time doing is providing access to options.

for example when I watch cenk I think thank god he has those options, and when I think of myself I think thank god I have the option of not dealing with those options, and that’s within the context of using the same device


We discussed about it during last Beta. Hope.

How come nobody informs me of these things :sob: I promise to make more content just gimme that betaaaaaaa :heart::heart::heart:


Just took ownership of a brand new RC505MK2 :slight_smile:

Looking forward to getting it setup when I get home!


The JamMan Solo XT sync is basically MIDI, but uses proprietary commands. I’ve been thinking the Retrokits RK002 is probably an easy way to do the conversion. All the resources are out there, I just haven’t had the headspace to cobble the code together myself.

Which are ?

I have RK002, but I oftenly use the Event Processor Plus, much simpler to edit, more limited…

New Sampler module for ZOIA.
Can be used as a stereo looper (10mn max per file?), files are saved on the sd card.

+/- 5 octaves, reverse, overdub, start, length. Seems to work with 5 sampler modules, don’t know if you can use more…

Very promising, but it seems still buggy, especially with high pitch up.

This post collates most of the good stuff:

From above link :

There’s no midi

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I’m pretty sure it’s their own tech that only syncs between their other loopers. I’d love to be wrong though!

I said “basically” MIDI, not standard MIDI and indicated that translation is necessary.