
8 banks of 16 patterns = 128. Make sense.

16 banks x16 patterns is particular. :content:

I edited my previous post.

Sorry i mixed up pattern change with Part change. Anyway it’s quite tricky in terms or organization. If my song is ready, i’d have to move all things all around just to be able to synchronize the Part change with any action i would like to perform sending a MIDI message to the Boomerang…

Since it’s the brain of the setup and it’s older than the Digis, one could have expected them to match this particularity.

Not sure if it would be a good idea to match everything from OT ! Patterns of Bank 1-8 and 9-16 send the same PCs : 1-128.
Problematic. (2x128 patterns)

It also send a bank change message, but other Elektrons don’t need it.

So yes, try with Digitone !
Should work. Keep in mind you can’t send the same PC consecutively, you have to send a different one before sending the same PC. :meh:

Anyway the Boomerang cannot receive twice the same message, the second one would not receive an answer :wink: The chart specifies different MIDI messages for the same action (some actions like Undo or Reverse Solo are not listed in this chart).

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I do remember something with the jamman quite while back, I think it came down to sysex, I would need to dig into that again but I think it was quite a command set which would need to be translated - RK002-doable though but not a ready made library there


To save the start-up state of the 'Rang III: hold down the Bonus Assign button until the center light on the clock display blinks green. Then release and tap the Bonus Assign button once more to exit the Bonus Assign Mode. Now, every time you turn on your Rang™ III, these values will be restored.

As for MIDI implementation, technically there is none. However, there are various hooks in the firmware, so that the Side Car can communicate with the Rang; but they are not documented, because they were never intended or tested for use with anything other than the Side Car. So, just disable the OT’s MIDI output, except clock, and you’ll be fine.



This is a function of the Rang III: i.e. any loop recorded or played while the Rang is not receiving clock will continue to run free (unsynced), and vice versa.

It’s a very useful feature. To which end, if you want all your loops to start and stop with the OT’s transport, it’s as simple as recording those loops while the clock is running.


In which context?

Well, you have a looper there that allows you to choose on-the-fly whether or not you want loops running synced, unsynced, or any combination thereof, without the need for any premeditation or configuration whatsoever.

How could that not be considered a useful feature?

The Rang will even remember which synced loops were running and which were stopped, when a transport stop command is received, allowing you to start and stop combinations of loops.



God, i wish my logic brain would reach that far but it’s not…
Maybe for ambient it would be useful to not be synced but other than that i have hard times to see a concrete use for that. Same goes with setting tracks on Free on the OT (disconnecting them from the sequencer). Isn’t it what we want from a looper to have synced loops?


Record two ambient loops unsynced (i.e. swells, pads, foley), then start a drum loop on the OT…

Now you have two ambient loops cycling against each other at random, in an ever evolving soundscape, and can then record a synced loop that will start, stop, and stay in lockstep with the drum loop on the OT, independently of your ambient tracks.

Even if that were the only use for such a feature, it would still be of great value.



Now I get it, thanks!

I would love the functionality of an rc505 but it’s just too huge and too ugly, I won’t have it in the house. I’m amazed there’s not a small device with a matrix of buttons that will capture and sync audio loops. Blackbox is a near miss, too many button presses. 505 is ugly and huge. Force even moreso.

Maybe zoia with the new firmware sample module a patch can be built to do this? Not sure if the buttons can be used as an interface in patches tho.

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Not sure to understand, there are loopers like the boomerang with smaller footprint for that, no?

I want to be able to capture lots of loops in eg a 4x4 matrix. Synced to midi.

Zoia could already do that even before the new firmware

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Blackbox with a midi foot controller too

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Aeros looper may suit your needs. Midi sync, 6 tracks.

You can use the 3 stompswitches (select looper, play/rec/stop, or rec/play for 3 loopers), an external switch / exp, and the 8x5 buttons on many pages…

Yes, sampler module just bring the ability to save recordings, load samples. It was already possible to use Zoia as multitrack midi synced looper.


Oh great, thanks, good to know, I’ll keep an eye out for whether someone builds something like what I have in mind on new firmware, since from long painful experience things that are possible in theory on kit are often a bit crap in final execution. Auto saving is critical. I basically want a small midi synced box that will seamlessly capture play and archive loops from all my gear. I think I just need to accept my rc505 fate but God that thing is ugly.