Loopy Pro Has Been Released!

On a roll this week. Here’s some Layr action from this evening:


Any album on BC ? It’s totally my style.

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Thanks. Glad you like it. I don’t have a full album in this style yet. Been crafting this over the last few months and hope to have a new album done this year with more tracks in this style and tempo.

I do have a few albums though on BC if you’d like to check them out. They’re more in the vain of Ambient, music to Design and Code to with headphones:

Thanks for the interest :pray:t3::two_hearts:

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After a quick listen I got silence + echoes, I really like the idea of many, short pieces as an album. I’d like to work in this direction myself.

Other albums are great too.


Awesome. Glad you dig it. Appreciate it. :facepunch:t3:


Another tune I did lately… Mixing in loopy is not that easy. Hard to adjust the faders in detail imo…

I wish they will add more editing features to arrangement view too.
I guess this view was more of a bonus feature, but since it’s there, I hope it will see some updates.

Anyway, still super nice to capture and arrange audio that quickly.


I thought whilst adjusting a parm you can move your finger further away from the control for finer changes? maybe that does that not apply to volume faders…this video shows it off:

Nice tune btw :slight_smile:

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True that works for panning now that I think about it. Maybe I just didn’t try it with the volume faders

It doesn’t work with the volume faders. They are a bit of a gripe. There is a huge fader that is taking up a lot of space since moving it down 1/10th in the space takes out the i Tatum et from the mix. I also agree that the work space could be better utilized. The looping part of the display is fully customisable. I wish it could be the same for the mixing part. I really don’t need some space to be taken up by a plus symbol for a send/return when I have and don’t want a send/return in my mix.
Wonderful piece of software tho.

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Works on my volume faders…and send knobs, and widgets, and …
Everywhere for me.

You can hide the sends/returns, etc in the mixer…

Taking a short break today to explore:

note: You can grab the LoopyPro project and Stems via the link in the Youtube description.

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Big big changelog today !

  • Added seamless crossproject transitions and set lists, with configurable crossfade and effect tails, via the “Load Project” action.
  • Added MIDI Fighter Twister support with colours and perloop playhead animations.
  • Added Audio Source AUv3 parameter actions
  • Added a secondlevel quantization interval, invoked when cancelling a countin (see “Second Quantization” in clip settings)
  • Added “Toggle” action variant for parameters, to switch between two fixed values
  • Added full support for crossproject session recording
  • Added “Individual Buses” support for session recording
  • Added project title to toolbar
  • Added ability to rename audio source channels
  • Added MIDI learn hotspots to effect buttons in mixer
  • Added effect parameter action to MIDI learn hotspot for effect buttons on mixer and bottom bar
  • Added Absolute/Relative settings for CCs in trigger setup for manual configuration
  • Added green metronome flash on downbeat
  • Added “Reset Audio Source Sends” system setting
  • Reset APC40 cursor when changing page or project
  • Fixed some initialisation and load issues with AUv3
  • Fixed delays when loading file managers with large numbers of items
  • Fixed some interaction issues with play group edit screen
  • Fixed individual input session recording when multiple inputs present
  • Fixed oneshot playback velocity for APC40mk2
  • Fixed crashes and issues with audio units when switching/transitioning projects
  • Fixed armed sequence launch crash
  • Fixed a rare crash when changing audio route
  • Fixed issue with saving imported projects
  • Fixed some effect parameter action issues
  • Fixed some session recording playback screen issues
  • Fixed default relative CC adjust speed
  • Tweaked relative CC detection
  • Fixed issues with audio source balance
  • Fixed MIDI Learn hotspot initial state update
  • Fixed crash when an IAA audio unit registration has no title
  • Fixed crash when encountering invalid Core MIDI endpoints
  • Fixed glitches introduced when truncating a clip
  • Fixed playback issue that could cause high power/CPU consumption
  • Added workaround for audio interface unique ID resetting over reconnections
  • Revised postrecord loop phase correction: only perform phase realignment if there are no other loops of same length or longer
  • Fixed possible race condition which could cause some crashes
  • Added AU instance number to MIDI action targets
  • Fixed MIDI action targets selection
  • Fixed potential crashes when saving effects
  • Fixed missing AUv3 effects in sequence export, and a few other export issues
  • Fixed crash when setting clip playback rate to very small numbers
  • Fixed issues with record action chaining
  • Fixed consecutive clip play/stop action issues
  • Fixed an issue with pitch/speed reverting after background process if using sample rate greater than 48k
  • Fixed missing AUv3 state in project export
  • Fixed user preset saving for AUv3s with spaces in their AudioComponentDescriptions (eg. Beathawk)
  • Fixed clock controls screen when heightconstrained (added scrolling)
  • Fixed missing audio unit delay line reset (e.g. on enable/disable)
  • Fixed missing initial downbeat when receiving MIDI clock
  • Fixed saving of custom record configuration for play actions
  • Fixed a number of issues with Ableton Link start countin
  • Fixed issues with remaining loop phase lock override when disabling sequence
  • Fixed recording trimming
  • Tweaked canvas editor interaction: tap and hold will bypass select mode, to facilitate easier moving of elements
  • When stopping timeline, move to loop region start, if present, rather than start of timeline

That’s an astonishing amount of fixes. Kudos to Michael for being so transparent and listing them all. You would think Loopy Pro would have been unusable in 1.04 with that many bugs. It’s an incredible piece of software, especially for one man, or maybe because it is just one man.

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I think it just went from very usable to rock solid :smiley:


And there’s a roadmap page too:

I love using LoopyPro with my SP404mk2. It should work similarly with an OT or any other sampler as well…with a few more cables though. :wink:


Works great with Digitakt as well :smiley:

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Yeah. With audio over USB on the DigiTakt it’s a no brainer. :facepunch:t3:

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Can you connect the Digitone directly to the MKII via USB and use the midi and audio?