Luddite Teen Uprising

I admire his total lack of any kind of cultural or social awareness, but also him being the perfect amoral cyberpunk final boss

That’s what my dad said when I made him watch a synth YouTuber video…

The Magician subterfuge to distract from the real deal.

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Well, he and Johnny Lydon seem to be on the same page these days.

Anyways, I was really trying to avoid my own cynicism, so much for that…

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Elon Musk is either the saviour of humanity or the ultimate Bond villain, depending on who you ask, which day if the week it is, and how much you believe the press, who he does not fund. At least he isn’t Bill Gates.


Ugh, the positivity of this thread has be defeated by my own sarcasm. I must recuse myself…


Thank god it was sarcasm otherwise we’d be staging an intervention :grimacing:


As per Facebook papers and looking around us, social media and the “Attention Economy” is designed to lock on engagement through the resonation of anxiety, misery, anger, envy, and snapshots of shallow, potempkin villages of existence.

I can’t spend much time on FB or Insta for mental health, would be nice if I had any control over feed and algorithms.

Since I don’t, eh.


New Luddism is a thing folks. It s not about rejecting all of technology. It s about having a good look at technologies and their societal implications by asking questions like: who does it benefit? Does this make the world a better place? What are the secondary effects? And rejecting specific things if it doesn’t pass the test instead of letting corps throw anything into the world for short term profit or worse.


Old Luddites weren’t about rejecting technology either.

Technology serves the owners of the technology, the problem is that centralized and hierarchal control doesn’t share the benefits of tech with us, it just ensures that the tech is used to further push wealth disparity to the robber barons.


I know but most people don’t know :wink:

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This is where mastodon comes in … social media without the ‘attention economy’, ‘centralised, hierarchical control’ and without algorithm-amplified argument and divisions.

Nobody owns mastodon, it can’t be bought.


It could be fought.

Great piece. Thanks for sharing this.

I have often been grateful that I am in the generation straddling the internet age. One foot in, one foot out as it were. I’ve constantly tried to find a balance myself and I worry about kids who are immersed from birth. Especially, as a father, I want my kids to not get lost in a digital version of everything.

So reading this sort of thing is awesome. This kind of dialogue is super important I think.


Actually, my brother’s youngest child who is a 11yo told me at thanksgiving that he doesn’t want a iPhone but a flip phone or a big brick satellite phone :upside_down_face: when he’s allowed to get one. I have never been so proud of my genes. Also, a few years ago he went through a typewriter stage so he’s some sort of next gen proto luddite I guess.


As evidence by the story, there are always exceptions but I’m most curious about the next generation.
Most teens do not want to be their parents. I think the current bucking trend is just that TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are not Facebook.
I think it’ll be the next generation that largely wants nothing to do with it all.

There’s lots to be hopeful for as I hypocritically type this response from my phone.

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The System will tolerate this dissent enough to give the impression of freedom, while simultaneously working on plans to assimilate them back into the fold.

The System cannot be escaped.


The good ole days, created the bad now days… F the people until we take responsibility and stop blaming everything else under the sun, if this ever happens you’ll know by the fact that the media is not the culprit anymore.


Here in the Netherlands kids are sick at home with burnout symptoms.

I believe that a part of future generations will be burned out with social media, short term politics and the dopamine hits we face today. Simply because they physically can’t process the vast wave of stimuli that each day brings. Hypersensitivity among individuals will grow as the population grows. Future generations will forcefully experience that rest, peace and tranquility is needed in order for our species to survive. Regrettably, these learnings will most likely be obtained by conflict. Be it conflict of inner values, clashing cultures, conflict of politics and resources.

But hope lies not within the future, but within this moment. It is how our parents raised us and in turn how we raise our children that counts.

got a bit carried away there.