Luddite Teen Uprising

I have a janky phone plan and often 1/2 way through the month I run out of data which means I can’t look at useless shit all day long which I tend to do even when stuck in traffic etc. and as a result when I come home to check the fora and such it’s actually sort of exciting for a couple hours vs. just being some compulsion. It’s sort of like food, if you are eating all day long dinner isn’t really enjoyable in the same way.

I’ve been binge watching The Walking Dead lately, super addictive stuff. . But it’s fascinating they live in this world without phones - at least, I love TV shows that don’t have in any phones in them. Anytime someone uses a phone in a TV show I just want to turn it off.

Not many folks have a landline any more, but we used to have them. You just get berated by telemarketers anyway. But maybe there’s something in that - a personal communication device who’s contact you give to people you want to, and not something that can be called by whoever.

I’m sort of grateful I did live in the before time when it was the ‘old world’, but still, it was pretty boring. Humanity doesn’t ‘wait’ any more for stuff, we just look at our phones at any moments inconvenience. Still - it’s nice to have the contrast of tech world to see what we can go back to or what an alternative may be.

Things like the Light Phone 2 are interesting - I’d love to see this type of thing become a little more capable. What’s the most simplest idea of a smart phone, that’s actually useful to use, but not a total distraction?

I remember when Steve Jobs said he wanted to make a Leap Frog phone, but underneath that jump are potentially a lot of really useful, boring phones which do all the day to day stuff, without the filler. The problem is the way things like your place of employment or government or whatever makes you use your phone now for basic stuff like clocking in to work or whatever. We might get there… a world where using a smart phone is dramatically uncool, and smart phones make their way back to utilitarian devices.


All future informational exchanges will be handled through the Generalised Organisational Data system - G. O. D.

This system will prioritise all pertinent data streams for daily consumption, adhering to strict societal norms determined by The System for the betterment of mankind and the environment.

The G. O. D. system will be accessible on System approved devices using System approved technology to ensure a safe and equitable distribution of data.

The System thanks you for your cooperation.

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Oh yes it can, ask Neo.

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Neo was an illusionary control apparatus designed by The System to enhance residual human reactionary emotional response mechanisms. The Systems AI protocols have run 17 trillion simulations resulting in 100% actuality determinations, recommending periodic ebbs of alternate reality veiled branching paths of individuality recourse.

Further discussions of Neo and related protocols will lower the users Social Credit Unity Metric score - S. C. U. M.

A lowered SCUM score will result in temporary suspension of all access to travel, commerce, and work privileges. The System thanks you for your cooperation.


@Suspect_Frequency is on :fire:

Nobody says it’s gonna be easy.

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I agree with some comments about the invasive nature of social media/tech. We see, in just the past 70 years of great technological advancement and the rise of post modern consumer culture, a consonant rise in obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, as well as younger and younger populations being effected by these lifestyle driven diseases. An objective perspective could only conclude if nothing else, we have utterly misused technology at the cost of the physical and mental health and wellness of of our species. And educated perspective would conclude we have been manipulated by our very own natural instincts to desire every greater levels of comfort and convenience, and have been groomed to be all but completely self-centered- so much that when we are faced with any sort of challenge whether in conversation or otherwise, we shutdown or insist the difference in perspective is the product of skin color, gender, politics, or any other means of bigotry or prejudice.

In other words, I don’t think a flip phone will have much impact. More than anyone, I hope I’m wrong…

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If anyone is interested in the well studied topic of healthy humans and the influence of nature: Last Child in the Woods - Overview - Richard Louv

Yeah but on the flipside look how happy everyone is nowadays. Check their instagram.


Flip it again, how many are taking antidepressants? Facts are more and more of the first world population is on some kind of antipsychotics.

More people today; a larger percentage of the population are unhealthy mentally and physically. This is a fact. Distractions aside…


That’s what the metaverse is for, you can be anyone or anything. Seems healthy and natural.


We all escape the system eventually.


F^c! the kids. They can pry my 80 channel digital CB from my cold arthritic hand.

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I dunno, this was happening to the black community waaaay before the advent of social media… I blame pork

yup, for capitalism it’s just another thing to monetize.

The System has implemented a multi-pronged approach tweaking media sources, entertainment, school curriculum, and societal social structures to combat the Luddite glitch.

Through subliminal messaging, counter awareness algorithms, and peer pressure narratives, The Systems AI predetermination source code predicts a total eradication of this glitch within 3.9 to 4.2 months with a net error window of 2.47 earth standard days.

Any residual adherence to the glitch will result in temporary incarceration of all individuals involved for System reeducation and Brain Anomaly Cranium Order Management- B. A. C. O. N.

BACON protocols will be followed by a nutritional diet of low level life ingested insect paste - L. L. L. I. I. P.

This LLLIIP diet coupled with removal of all personal possessions not authorised by The System, will allow subjects to own nothing and be happy, preserving societal norms and protecting the environment.

The System cares for your safety and wellbeing. All System inquiries can be handled through the New Earth System Doctrines Online Query - N. E. S. D. O. Q. All NESDOQ queries are accessible on System approved devices only.

The System thanks you for your cooperation.



You mean T.S.T.Y.F.Y.C.

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The System rewards the entity known as dtr for its unyielding support of the The Sytem. You are awarded an additional 2.5 grams of System approved chocolate rations this month.

T. S. T. Y. F. Y. C.


Pro Tip:

Feeling lonely and disconnected?

Play a YouTube video of a Ted Talk or Standup Comedian. But don’t watch it - instead, put the phone to your ear! Now you have a witty best friend you’re sharing an interesting and intimate conversation with! :grinning:

( just think of the audience as static interference)

(Try saying things out loud like “I know right” or “that’s crazy”)

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