LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

It’s truly an instrument for our dystopian times.


Indeed it is!

So is it worth the 1000$ cad ? It seems to sound quite similar from one track to the other. I’m super interested and prob selling some gear to get one, but wonder about long time worth? Is it more of a one trick poney? Wondering if I can get something very similar from my Medusa (6 voice)…

I’m not sure if it’s something you can really consider based on monetary value. Yeah, I think it’s worth what it costs, and suspect it’ll hold its value. But it depends on what you’re doing.

As for me, I’ve built up a collection of very versatile/functional pieces that I like working with a lot, and that will keep me very busy for a long time. Getting a Lyra was kind of a risk in that I didn’t know how it would work out (and still am ultimately undecided - but so far so good), but it wasn’t a loss because I wasn’t giving up other things I liked and can sell it if it doesn’t work out.

I probably wouldn’t have sold other things to get it because that would have been too risky. I’m risk-averse. Which is why I prefer machines that can do a lot of different things. In my experience so far, I’ve found Lyra can do a lot and has a ton of potential, but within a narrow framework, making it harder to work with. Not a bad thing, just something to consider.


Thanks for the reply, yeah I’m in a situation where I can’t try synth before I buy them, as I live pretty far from anywhere that would have that type of gear. So I have to trade and get devices try them out for a while then trade back and forth until I get the right piece of gear. I feel like the lyra would fit right into the mix, but it’s pretty hard to tell only from other people playing music on it…

Think of it more like a guitar than regular synth.
If you love the sound of it ( not the techincal ability of it) and you want to just play it, then you’ll probably like it.

If you think its like any other synth, in that, it can synthesize, well it really doesnt. It always sounds like Lyra, its always unpredictable.

For me it was an instabuy, from when I saw Vlads first demo. No regrets at all. Its a weird and wonderful instrument. I probably wouldnt ditch other gear to get it though. Thats just me. I bought mine as an addition, not instead of, if you get what I mean?


I bought my Lyra-8 because when I heard those very first 2 demos, my reaction was Holy Shit I need that sound in my life!!!

Did not give a crap about MIDI or sync. Did not care it might be a one-trick pony. It can do THAT sound - that’s all I cared about.

If your reaction is not like that, then this is not for you.

If you worry if it’s a one-trick pony, it’s not for you. If you need a synth that can work more normally, go buy that normal synth instead. You can always add a Lyra-8 to your rig later.

The guitar comparison is apt. Sure you can run a guitar through FX but generally, it’s always gonna be what it is.


an interesting thing about the lyra for me: whatever i sample from it is always usable, beautiful in a subtle or lush way. just noodling around on it on the other hand can sound a bit same-y to me. the reason is, i think, that its sound is so rich in texture that i can only really appreciate it if i record it and listen to the recording repeatedly, while on first listen its richness can become too much to take in all at once.

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I mentioned this in the “latest purchase” thread, and asked about it here, but I have an older Lyra-8 (2018) that had a 2 position switch for the LFO AND/OR location. I just replaced it with a 3 position On-Off-On switch like the newer Lyras have and it was about the easiest swap ever.

8 screws, and a handful of I/O jack nuts… then 3 solder points. Super easy location to get to.

Allows for stalling the LFO modulation I believe, which seems to allow for potentially more percussive sounds somehow… whatever, it was easy and now has more options. :slight_smile:

edit: marked up
edit 2: Mouser Part 1MS3T1B1M1QES


Thank you!!! Awesome of you to put this up here

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Talk me out of getting one. I’m close. Ugh!! It’s beautiful.

  1. You said yesterday you’re done, for a while. We know, we read these threads.
  2. One day is not a while. It’s at least a week.
  3. The Lyra-8 is officially a one-trick pony.
  4. Just see how many people have asked if it is, only to get told it is actually more like a guitar, which probably proves it is not, in fact, a one-trick pony.
  5. I sold mine. An ultimate test of courage. I’ve only thought about rebuying it a few times. If we don’t count how many times I’ve still had it in my dreams. But let’s not talk about my dreams.
  6. Like ”a while”, ”a few” is a very relative term.
  7. My post might arrive too late anyway, it’s already more than an hour since your post.
  8. Do let us know which colour you went for.

I remember when I sold my turntables and all my records.

I was having dreams about rocking the 1’s and 2’s for about a year afterwards.

It happens with alcohol too…


And other things…

I didn’t do it. Woke up this morning thinking about OT/DN and what new aspect I want to learn today. Watching some Cuckoo. I don’t THINK he has a Lyra 8 video so maybe my money is safe for now. Thank you.


However, if I WERE to decide to get one, I can’t really decide on a color. For some reason, that green is intriguing. There’s a white one on sale for $649 at Perfect Circuit. I’m thinking classic black…but white would look cool with OP-1. You see? I’m pathetic.


Just buy one.

You’ll like it.

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I have a white one but I wish I had a black one. Sad

I’m going out of town Thursday and don’t think they could get it to me by then (I’m in Georgia- yes, I know, a miserable place). I don’t want it sitting on my porch for days so, when I get back next Sunday, if I still want one then, guess I’ll decide. Those sounds though. Damn. Thinking what I could do with Lyra and OT. And Zoia…good god.

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I’ve listened to your stuff. It’s great.