LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Buy a Lyra, you could be just like me.


Drop ouuuut of liiiifeā€¦

You were right, DFAM is the perfect companion to the Lyra btw.


Aesthetics are tough. I just bought a white one - didnā€™t like the black - but Iā€™d have preferred a pink or green. Anyway, after one day thereā€™s no sign of buyerā€™s remorse. I suspect you canā€™t have a solo performance on the Lyra because the machine itself will always be an active collaborator. In fact ā€˜conversationā€™ or ā€˜negotiationā€™ may be more accurate terms than ā€˜performanceā€™. Anyway, Iā€™ve cleared a big space for it and donā€™t miss whatever was there before. Negotiations continue.

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donā€™t buy it! better buy a normal synth bc Lyra is not for you!

I already have normal synths. Iā€™m gonna wait a week and if theyā€™re out of stock in a week, it was not meant to be.

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so, your music too normal? :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll give you til Wednesday.

Thereā€™s no way the GAS is gonna let you wait a week.


I donā€™t know.

see? you donā€™t need the lyra!

Well, just for that Iā€™m gonna order it right now. So there! You happy now? :rofl:


we welcome youā€¦

thatā€™s ma boy! :slight_smile:

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I swear, I thought @Fin25 was one of the most unlikely influencers on this forum. At this rate weā€™re gonna see a lot of Fusion Systems around here before long.


Fuck off, the Fusion System is the only thing that makes me special and different.

That and my stunning good looks, obviously.


So letā€™s swap them. I have a beast while wanting the angelā€¦

The fact that I take that at, ehm, face value proves my point, right? I know all too well that Iā€™m at all times a mouse click away from rebuying the Lyra anyway.

Yes you are.

When first released, Lyra only came in white. So white is the classic.

OP1 is never cool.

Lyra is cool. If you dont like it, you are not cool.

GAS is your master.

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