LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Much obliged, thank you very much indeed!

Yes, they’re live takes into my Spire Studio recorder.

Pretty much the same process each time; feel into things with the dials and sensors, find some tonal gravity and get into orbit for 5 or 10 minutes.

It was always the first take, mainly to capture whatever was coming up in the moment, so not a great deal of quality control beyond the basics. I’m a bit lacklustre on that side of things…or impatient perhaps :slight_smile:

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A bit of classic Lyra darkness:

I only used two voices of the Lyra and the delay / LFOs create all the skittering, atmospheric stuff. The only other thing I used was a Ventris for some reverb!


This is probably one of my favorite things I’ve heard from the Lyra. Wonderful tones. Great work!

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That’s a real compliment, thanks!

Beyond beginners mind, I’m intrigued to see what comes out of the “2nd Wave” of recordings.

Superb, nicely squeezed!
Reminded me of something Demdike Stare might produce.

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It has some beauty and even warmth to it that I don’t hear a lot of out of Lyra.

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I think effects help a good deal, used sparingly.

First time I think I’ve got the Lyra into anything without it taking over completely. Sort of.

Lyra 8, Moog Subharmonicon, 0-coast, Strega - All sequenced from 0-cntrl apart from the Lyra… with probably too much reverb haha


Had another go tonight. Same set up, 0cntrl is sequencing the 0coast and Strega and controlling the SubH sequencer. Lyra is setup with the total feedback engaged and modulating the voices. Sounds huge! :slight_smile:


Damn that’s lovely. You are not helping my GAS (and Signal Sounds have the green back in stock)


Thanks man! Love the green ones! Do it :smiley:

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Agreed! Great work @brucegill.

If no-one gets an orange one in stock, I wont have to buy it. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Dammit. They have orange ones in stock too. The GAS, the GAS!!

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Green Lyra 4 Lyfe! I still love the colour of mine, every day. Having said that, the pink is also pretty cool, and if you haven’t seen the pacifist version, that looks great.

Doesn’t the orange have the white graphics? Makes it look less good to me…


Some exerts from 90 minutes immersed in Lyra’s sorcery yesterday evening, mediated by the Chase Bliss Mood, Polara and H9, with a bit of DFAM creeping in for the finale.


Not sonically very interesting, to be honest, and quite a bit of talking in the video (plus the click bait title) but composer Christian Henson got a couple of Lyras… Six Lyras in different colours sounds pretty instagrammable tho!

I think he said ”it’s bloody expensive, close to £1000”. Maybe that’s the going rate in Edinburgh? :laughing:


More like £3,500!

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Yeah for six of them but not 1k for one! :joy:

Like I said, lots not to like about that video (and I like some of his stuff). Can only imagine the real HELLDRONES some people here would tease out of a 48-oscillator Lyra. Talk about a missed opportunity.

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Henson should donate all of them to @Fin25. He’ll show us the meaning of hell!