LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Yeah you either sit Lyra upfront loud and proud, or bury it in a mix just for texture that your average listener wont appreciate.

I’m fond of the former.

You can tune each of the 8 oscillators by ear.

Avoid obvious stuff like the VIBRATO switch

The ENO preset can produce a stable chord if you want - go here and click Presets

Your mention of multiple layers/tracks implies you already have other polysynths. I would recommend continuing to use those for regular synth duties instead of trying to use Lyra-8 to replace them. I wouldn’t replace my entire string section with a couple of tubas… but I can’t account for how crazy other people can be.

If you mean this one, that may be more up your alley. It tracks on a keyboard and it will have consistent and reliable pitches (before modulation). It also benefits from presets/recall. I find myself using the hardware Lyra more because, well, I have it. My work also tend to embrace the “just roll with it” ethos that also extends to modular synths. If that’s not for you, I’d recommend the Reaktor ensemble.

Nice. Thanks for this. Was there 3 wires there before as well ?

If I remember correctly it went in the exact same way the old one came out, the only difference is the switch has a center “off” position.

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Sorry meaning one solder point for AND, one for OR, and one for ground.

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I’m not looking to replace anything. I like the sound I’ve heard in demos, seems really cool.

Tuning by ear is all well and good, but from everything I’ve read, everyone says “unpredictable”. What I’m trying to ascertain is: does that include tuning? I’ll tune it, fine, but if it’s just going to go out halfway through the session, that would be a deal-breaker.

So you’re worried that the thing will go out of tune by itself.

Here’s a recording I did with ENO “preset”. I thought the chord stayed in-tune as long as I wanted it to. Yes, there’s vibrato, but no worse than what you would hear in a normal analog polysynth with LFO modulation of pitch. From what I recall, I dialed that in on purpose.

Later on, I went for more aggressive, less tuneful sound. Again, that was on purpose, not because the Lyra did something by itself.

Oh and this video starts with the oscillators being used to play a major chord. You can see him tuning the oscillators by ear.

I’m not getting why you’re looking at this synth over a closer to normal polysynth, but fwiw…

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Nope. It will stay in tune. (Stability slightly depends on temp and humidity though, like old analogue)

The unpredictable bit relates to the interactions between the other circuits, eg, feedback, FM, mod depth, LFO etc. So if you set up a simple chord drone with no vibrato, no modulation, then all good. Stable.

But boring.

Whats the point in a Lyra if you dont use the best bits of it? Eg the unpredictable nature of its circuits…

You might like to look at the Elmyra, it has quantization option for dialing in pitches, a sequencer, filter and a few other things that Lyra cant do.

Have you watched the original demo of the prototype by vlad kriemer? If not watch it. If you immediately want one, get one. If just feel a bit unsure, then Lyra not for you.

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I just played around with the Reaktor ensemble for an hour

JFC, it’s insane.
Ok, I get it.

I REALLY like the idea of just saving some snapshots, this is great. But, now I know I would love the sound of the real deal.

Suppose I’ll see what’s out there…

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You can always sample the Lyra for repeatability, consistency and what not.

Ive never used reaktor ensamble so cant comment on that.

Lyra is just sublime though.

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Does anyone know how many ohms the osc-frequency potentiometers are and if there’s enough space between the bottom of the front panel and the top pcb?
I am curious if it’s possible to swap the pots for multiturn pots. Haven’t got the Lyra yet myself otherwise i would open it so i could see for myself

What do you mean, multiturn pots? Endless?

I only took one photo when I replaced a dodgy delay feedback pot.

As you can see, there is zero space between the pcp and front panel. Those pots in the photo are 100K, and very unusual ones. Soma sent me one for free , they said they are made in Russia and extremely difficult to get anywhere else.

Maybe email and ask them.

Multiturn pots aka precision pots. There are different types but i was thinking how it could “upgrade”’the Lyra if the full frequency range is not set by 1 turn but like the full spectrum is fine adjustable over, say 5x360degrees. Multi turn pots make that happen. It will keep the lira as is but with more fine tuning if you need too. Just a idea.

Someone has done that mod.


Bugger that! Endlessly turning a knob for a miniscule change in pitch, no thanks. I’m good.

I dunno. I think in the vid relatively small movements lead to perceptible changes in pitch. It would definitely change it as a performance instrument, and I don’t know if I would prefer it or not. Sometimes I do think I would like finer control when playing the Lyra.


Lyra getting a bit lairy, with support from Quadraverb and a little bit of modular.


I may have an opportunity to visit LA in the next few weeks, with some time for a side trip to Perfect Circuit.

Can someone share the dimensions of the Lyra’s outer packaging? I’m wondering if it will fit in my carryon luggage or if it is better to just have it shipped to NorCal.

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