Machinedrum or Analog Rythm with present gear?

Don’t underestimate old gear, a lot of it was made better, made to last. Musicians these days are a lot more “pro-sumer” so companies cater to cheaper pricetags & gimmicky features… A lot of old stuff is built like a tank & will perform very stable for a very long time

Thanks everyone

So should I pick up a RS7000 with 64mb memory and the digital expansion slot for 550$ to 600$ right now? I have a source for one.

Or pick up the MD UW+ for 1050$…

The prices are killing me lol to many options…

UW+ for that price is a steal!

Not to make this any more difficult, but… If it were my money, I’d grab the Anniversary RED MDUW (non+) in the marketplace section of this forum for $900, and add the +drive down the road. They only made 50 of those boxes. Total collector’s item.

UW+ for that price is a steal!

Not to make this any more difficult, but… If it were my money, I’d grab the Anniversary RED MDUW (non+) in the marketplace section of this forum for $900, and add the +drive down the road. They only made 50 of those boxes. Total collector’s item.[/quote]
Ya know I have honestly been thinking about that, i really like the red look lol
Considering all the rest of my gear are collectors items as well. Have a custom wooded Moog Voyager and have a Vintage Access Virus C so its awfullly tempting…
So has anyone here have a word about the Roland MC-909?

Shoot I didnt even know about the Akai MPC Renaissnace…
Scratch that, the damn MPC cant be run with out the software… wish it could do both…

Have you ever considered just getting what you can afford and find easily, and then just learning that and working within it’s strengths / weaknesses?

Just something to consider - nobody on the internet is going to actually use these things for you, and everybody has their own way of working.

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No that is entirely true, I agree with that. what I can afford is really anything…
Just so many options, I tend to be the 1 person to research everything way to thoroughly and there are lots of options…

True, but no amount of ‘research’ is going to change how you interact with the machine, and at $1000+ they’re mostly all going to be powerful enough to be usable.
You’ve got to just bite the bullet and get off the internet at some point and do your own thing.
Have fun.

I could tell you about the benefits of the MPC2500, the RS7000, the QY700, or the MC-909, but then that’s because I’m probably going to be selling one of each soon.

You need to define for yourself what jobs you want the new gear to do, rather than fantasize about what gear would make you look cool to other people.

I am not worried about looking cool
Just tired of not hitting buttons and knobs, but still want a decent integration into FL studio.

Pro and cons RS7000/MD is :

  • RS7000 is a tank (that means also: very heavy). MD is small and light (I use it now for this quality, because I don’t want to break my back each time I play in a gig carrying the RS7K monster and other gears)

  • with RS7K you can play all night long in a humid or cold place, even with a very poor quality of electric power (generator diesel engine): it won’t bug nor stop. The MD is renown to bug every time if it’s electric power is not perfectly stable. So, if you play in free parties in the woods, you’ll need to buy an uninterruptible power supply

  • RS7K is a complete groovebox (rhythm box plus synth plus sampler plus sequencer plus harpegiator). MD is only a Rhythm box with a sampler (UW).

  • RS7K sounds a wee bit “classical” (good for electro, rap, hip hop, hard core, gabbber). The MD is more experimental (glitch, IDM)

  • RS7K is very very intuitive, and perfect for live PA improvisation. The MD is more esoterical, imo

  • RS7K has a function that no other groovebox have: a live loop rhythmic algorhythm of recombination with a lot of very musical variations (thought by and for musicians). So, in a live situation, with only one single pattern programmed, you can modify your sequence without erasing it just by pressing a button and tweaking a knob

  • RS7K has 5 scene memories and 5 Mute/solo memories that can be recalled just by pressing one of the 5 buttons. This doesn’t exist on the MD

  • The MD sounds extraordinary to make dub basses with a simple kick or tom. that’s not the case with the RS7k

  • RS7K has 16 polyphonic tracks. The MD has 16 monophonic tracks

  • RS7k is velocity and pressure sensitive. The MD not.

  • RS7K has got two pads. The MD not.

  • RS7k is the very best sequencer produced since 2000. No one can compete with it, even nowadays. Only the Cirklon is said to be better.

  • RS7K is cheaper than MD

I think you have now all the elements to decide. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a bunch drone.

In that case, I would look toward NI Maschine Studio

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Thanks a bunch drone.[/quote]
damn it you mentioned Machine… I thought I had got that off my list of things i wanted…

I love my Maschine Studio, but oddly enough, it recently sits in its box under my desk…

Also, I mostly used it standalone, as a self-contained DAW.

Thanks a bunch drone.[/quote]
damn it you mentioned Machine… I thought I had got that off my list of things i wanted…[/quote]
Why is it just sitting there?
I actually bought a MK1 2.5 years ago and returned it due to the selling not releasing the software serial.

Hey man I think you’re hitting the wrong quotes buttons as you’re quoting the posts above the ones you are referencing.

Use the quotes to the bottom right of the post you want to quote.

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Shoot sorry

I have the Moog Voyager, VIRUS TI, MD+UW, RYTM, and Octatrack. Of the three elektron boxes the Octatrack is the most important one for me. The ability to sample, sequence on a very complex level is second to none. Because the Virus is multitimbral you can use the Octatrack to run 8 tracks off of it. The octatrack will not only allow you to sequence your tracks but also change the Virus parmeteres per step. The sound quality of the Virus and super powerful Octatrack is a suuuuper sick pair. Go OctaTrack!!!

Yeah, would have to agree I find the Octatrack + Virus TI combination very powerful. The sequencer on the Octatrack is very tight and reliable, add the sampling and you have a lot of potential. I just bought a secondhand MD SPS-1 UW MK1 so hope I can integrate that as well. I like the sound of the EFM BD on the machinedrum, it has a nice dark dubby sound.

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Thanks again everyone.

Now what do you guys think a used RS7000 should go for? like a rough range?

At least I found one with the loaded memory a 64mb smart media card, the digital I/O board installed, SCSI, and a stand?