Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Bug report: Yesterday I was using my MD mk2 no UW with the X.05 installed and after 15/20 min the screen flashed once and after the screen was freezed (didn’t affect the functionality, only the screen)

Same combo here (MCL + MD MK2 nonUW), no freezes. The MCL turns off after a few minutes if not in action. Screensaver i guess. What unit do you have, the small smd one or diy?

Mcl wasn’t connected when it append, it has to always be connected? I was using MD only for some percussive sounds so I didn’t need the extra functionality of MCL. Can be this the cause of my problem or MD can be used standalone even with x.05?

MD can be used standalone with x.05. I did so until i recieved my mcl without any problem. Did you try to reinstall the x.05?

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Please check that you have X.05C installed. There was a MIDI bug related to program change that could cause the MD to freeze.


I will try to reinstall the OS, and I will inform you if it will occur again.
Yes it should be the 05C if I remember correctly.

I subscribed to this thread and sorry if this comes out a bit negative, because it’s not. But I think the next OS version should have a clear version number also to be shown on the MD on boot, this way it could be possible to avoid the same topic over and over again.

Also, just reading the thread a few comments up might also help

There are some technical reasons why the minor (hotfix) version letter is not displayed.

Regardless, next version will be clearly identified.


Thanks Justin :slight_smile:

How does one actually install this update?

This is my first day with an MD UW MK1 and have no idea what I’m doing - yet.

I’m using a MacBook Pro, I have both a MOTU micro lite and an SSL 2+ midi interface, and I’m using Sysex Librarian with 30ms delay.

When I’m in Global > Sysex Rec > Orig… the MD stays in “Waiting” while the Sysex Librarian is playing (sending the data to the correct port).

I tried two midi cables so far and nothing… it’s still “Waiting”.

This seems really easy to do, but there isn’t a dedicated video on how to install this update; so I apologize for derailing the thread.

Any advice?

(I triggered the MD via MIDI channels 1-4, and the port works)

Hold func whilst booting. Will bring you to a menu where you can choose to midi upgrade.

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Nice, thanks for the reply!

I held Func, hit the MIDI upgrade option, and then hit play on Sysex Librarian.

As Sysex Librarian is in full effect, the MachineDrum remains in “READY TO RECEIVE MIDI UPGRADE…”

Will post an update shortly after the Sysex Librarian has completed doing its thing.

Are the trig LEDs lighting up in sequence ?
If not somethings not right


Sysex Librarian reverted to IAC Driver after I closed my laptop to post my question - and I just noticed this after it completed!

I set it to the correct MIDI device and there’s lights on the MD now… Something’s definitely brewin’.


Update was successful!

I got the “Preparing Flash” and “Updating Flash” message, then an automatic restart.

This is nice!

Brand new MD UW user on a freshly flashed device!

Time to catch up on everything I’ve been missing…


Thanks for the help, waftlord!


That was the forum info I was looking for, plain vanilla SPS-1. Cheers Mister!

How is it working and have you had any problems?

Incredible that this is still being updated. Has there been any talk of doing something similar for the Monomachine? Variable track lengths and trig conditions would be such an incredible update to these machines.

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I just found out about this amazing update.
Still using my MD2 with OS 1.63

This might already be answered, sorry…

Does this update also apply to the non-UW-version ?
And can i directly update to X.05c ?

2x YES


Great. Thank you!