Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Hey all,

Just bought a Machinedrum SPS-1 UW today. OS was 1.31 and it was all working today. Just tried to update to X.05 via C6. It seemed like all went fine, it went trough the preparing flash and updating flash messages, but when it reboots to the new OS it freezes in the start-up screen. I waited for 10 minutes but was still in the start up screen with new OS stating right below. Then I turned off and tried to turn on, and again freezes in start up screen. When I hold function+on, the menu comes up, when I press test all seems ok. But it won’t go on anymore… Tried to send back the original OS from Elektron, and the process of sending via Sysex all seemed fine, then the message of please reboot came on, did that, first it freezed in a screen with nothing, then when turning off and on again it went on.

Anyone had this issue with the OS and knows how I can fix this?! Would love to make use of the X0.4 or X0.5 operating software!
Please help!
Thanks a lot.

I earlier tried X.05C which didn’t worked out for some reason, but just tried to update to X.05 A and it went on now! So it’s all fine now, can’t wait to discover this machine!


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Maybe the update gap is too big? I mean, you could try the C version again now. It’s seems it has been working for most others


Hold [ Function ] on boot -> Soft Reset.


just tried again updating to X0.5 C, left it alone for 15 mins, when I came back it was turned on. So I guess it worked! thanks for the help Justin and Acidbob.

In WAVDesigner, is it possible to listen to the single-cycle waveform whilst tweaking the waveforms, adjusting the mixer, or tuning the frequency. I assumed that I could just tweak around until I heard a sweet spot of a tone and then save. Or render and save. I’m not sure what render means in the context of the manual. I guess I hope to find a more detailed explanation of the WAV DeSigner philosophy, perhaps, or user error has haunted me once again. At the moment, I think I’m only able to tweak around with a single cycle waveform visually and then render and hope for something cool-sounding as a result but maybe I imagined it to be different.

Another oscillator machine with wave shaping or wave morphing would be really nice. I’d like to be able to make kicks out of something between a sine wave and a square wave. Tried it with the distortion options and GND-PU + filtering and it just isn’t the sound I’m trying to replicate. Closest I’ve gotten is GND-SW with SKEW turned down to <8.

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try an EV machine with a SIN and PW!

please share an example of the sound you’re after.

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Doing it with a single track would be ideal. Currently trying to figure out the MCL’s WAV designer.

It’s the one in this track

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tbh i think that kick could be squeezed out a BD2, with some light filtering and mod on its distort.

Tried it already. It’s the oscillator, distortion plus filtering is too muddy and boomy.

yeah, you’d need to shave off the HPF and bring down the eq to mitigate boombooms, and the dynamix then may be able to tighten it up further

Hi all. I have just installed the new OS X0.5C (MD Mk1, non UW) as I was interested in the new machine types. Installation went fine however straight away I noticed that all the patterns seem to sound different, as if the various existing kits have been modified somehow. Is that the case or should existing patterns and kits sound the same as before? Thanks

I experienced the same.

I experienced the same with A version - some kits got updated to Tonal (for those machines where it was relevant), had to then go and reset them manually

However it wasn’t the case for versions B and C


ok thanks. How do you see if the kits are set to Tonal?

Edit kit -> then you edit specific machine and in the right top corner IIRC it says Tonal of applicable

I only recently updated to C…and didn’t think to check if it was diff as I Empty Reset.
ill try reloading my SYSEX


I have checked and most kits had Tonal; selected. I set it back to default but am not sure I sounds as it did before. I might reload the kits from a backup just in case.

Tonal settings will be random when using the MDX firmware for the first time. This is because the new memory region we use to store the tonal setting was uninitiated when your existing kits were created.