Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

So that leads me to this question. After updating to latest…if I load up an old sysex, will it sound right?

[I guess I could just try, but I’ve become freakin lazy. Not that my old shit is worth reloading anyways]

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I’m still waiting for a good lead on a MD but I definitely enjoy reloading (and eventually deleting) old projects from my Rytm or even Digitone, it reminds me of the progress I’ve made :slight_smile:

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Has anyone gotten the NFX machines to work? It says in the readme it is supposed to intercept the previous two tracks, but nothing I do seems to work.

I haven’t used it since the first few days of the update, but it definitely works as described. I wouldn’t be much help as it’s been months since, but I had decent success using NFX.

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The first thing that comes to mind but just to make sure: Did you place a trig or trigs on the NFX track to activate it?

(Haven’t used the NFX a whole lot myself but remember they did work.)

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Just tried that without success.

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Which NFX are you trying to set up? I’m sure someone will be able to guide you through. Not at my MD right now myself plus the NFX are still a bit of unfamiliar territory to me.

On what track / sound selection did you put it?
Havent tried it but from other Elektron machines, you cant put it on the first track “BD” in this case

Works fine for me, can you describe how you’ve set up your tracks?

I’m trying to use NFX-UC.

Trak 9 and 10 have a ROM and snare machine, Trak 11 has NFX-UC. Been tweaking the mix knobs and placing trigs and no effect, just dry output from the sound generators.

What are your UC settings, do you hear anything when you turn up FB/FF and mess with the time? Does this behaviour persist on different kits, snapshots, etc?

turn 9 and 10 VOL to 0.

I often use a trig chain to trig the NFX from the track i want effected.

turn FF and FB up quite high (watch out, can get dangerous) to hear blatant effect, turn down to taste. NFX-UC benefits from SIN modulation on one of its TIM params to achieve the movement we may typically associate with phasers/flangers.
(however they’ve snuck in a tonal mode for the UC too turning it into a new playable machine, using an impulse machine as source here can work very well)

hopefully you’ll hear some light chorus and tight/loose flanging.


I did as you suggested and still nothing. Just trigs that p-lock VOL jump out.

I can get it to work if I put my machines on Tracks 1-3 but not if I put them on Track 9-11. No turning down of VOL or LEVEL is necessary to hear the effect.

so you’ve plocked the VOL parameter on the NFX track?

No I was referring to one of the other tracks which already contained some trigs.

unless you want some dry signal from the source tracks it’s not clear what you’re trying to achieve. NFX should work as stated regardless of track placement.

maybe 9-11 muted? been there more than id like to admit


I think I’ve found a bug in X.05.

Whilst tuning my Remote for this OS I stumbled across this:

EFM-BD set to tonal
Pitch = 32
Dec = 127
Ramp = 16
RDec = 0
Mod = 64
MFrq = 16
MDec = 64
MFB = 0

then LFO set to PITCH, TRI or SIN, HOLD, DEPTH=127
then LFO Speed behaves erratically whilst using Speed w. synced Intervals like 16,32,48,64,72 maybe more aswell. It sounds like the LFO is freezed but slightly changes.
Shouldn’t it play a synchronous stepped Pitchchange like Sample and Hold does?

Can some test this and confirm?