Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

is the MD the master clock or is it getting clock from somewhere else?

If I understand correctly, I can confirm this. Though,I believe that it has to do with the timing of the s&h on the waveform, almost catching the same values, but eventualy phasing off and catching other ones. cant remember pre-X.05 behavior on the matter.


doesnā€™t matter ā€¦as master or synced

Yes MK1 is compatible with X.05. I am unsure whether you can update directly to X.05C but I suspect that you can.

Maybe it could be a good idea to have a sticky in the the top where itā€™s stated that the update works on mk1,mk2, UW and non-UW, and UW+ and to always download and install the newest update directly from the forum. You know, just so the common asked questions are answered right at the top?


My unit worked pretty well under x.05 but now for some reason, I turn it on and itā€™s stuck at this screen.

Iā€™ve tried mostly all the above methods of updating including the 30ms delay without any success. I guess Iā€™m just fighting the soft reset because donā€™t want to re upload all the samples in all those projects from all the years of fun. If thereā€™s a few more suggestions, Iā€™m all ears. The hardware checks ok on all parameters when checked no the startup page. Thank you for any help,

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This usually means the connector between the GUI board, and CPU board is loose or has some corrosion. There are a number of posts about it.


Soft reset wont delete any pattern/kit/sample data.


Yes, or the power connector on the unit it self. Try spraying the barrel and the socket with some contact spray.

If that doesnt work, open her up and spray the contacts between the boards.

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Not to sound alarming, but my first MD did this and died a few days after. I would make a back up today.

Mine has been acting up lately too! Try the above mentioned solutions. If this does not suffice, contact elektron support.

Im thinking about diving in and getting a MD once again (UW this time)

Did anyone feel like this update reinvigorated their MD?


Abso-effin-lutely, 100%!

Iā€™ve been singing praise to and raving about this update for about 10 months now and it literally is a gift that keeps on giving.

Most importantly for me the update enabled an easier way to make melodic stuff on the MD, plus the new GND machines are an endless inspiration!

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that sounds fantastic.

Im kind of in a slump and feeling overwhelmed/uninspired by my gear, sold alot of stuff and gotten MD UW MK2 money.

and i just want to focus on one machine and make stupid obnoxious music.

seeing this video just made me so happy.


Im asking because i owned a MK1 non UW before and while it was cool i got really annoyed while using it for reasons i cant for the life of me remeber now :smiley:


This has been my MO for the last 10 months pretty much!

Of course it has to be said that despite the update, the soul and core sound of the MD remains unchanged. Which for me is a good thing, and at least for me the update greatly expanded the sonic possibilities of the MD.

Some people are also bothered by the lack of modern Elektron sequencer functions such as conditional trigs and individual track lengths, but for me those arenā€™t essential. These features can also be brought to the MD via the additional MCL device if you want.

As for the UW capabilities, personally Iā€™m not a heavy user of MD sampling but the sound of a melodic loop pitched down in the MD is just beautiful to my ears. But the sampling IS limited so if I had to buy a MD mk2 now, I wouldnā€™t pay 2k for the UW model if there was a non-UW available for 1k.

Hope youā€™ll find one soon!


I think a Machinedrum would be a great box to get you out of your slump. I cannot wait to get another one!

Did you unit actually die without revival? And where is it buried?

Thanks for the suggestions/solutions to my problem. Iā€™ll let ya know what happens when I get to it.

Elektron sent me a new unitā€¦ that was YEARS ago.

The manual actually says that no ROM samples will be loaded after a soft reset. Are you saying that your X.05 firmware prevents this from happening? That would be cool.

@Dicky11, in case this helps you: