Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Yep! I’ve done this years ago. I’ll give it a go soon hopefully. Maybe tonight. Thanks dubathonic. I assumed all this upgrading firmware stuff was the culprit but your probably spot on here. I hope anyway. I just don’t like doing surgery on my baby much but I’ll take care of her. Pray for me. MD was my gateway into the Elektron world and I haven’t looked back. I have legacy OT and legacy AK. I’m set for life if these bad boys can last that long.


Can someone send me an invite to the discord?

The link in the thread seems expired.


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I opened up the MD and cleaned all the connections and it is no longer stuck in the intro screen. Thanks, dubathonic.
And if I haven’t thanked Justin and the other guy enough(and I haven’t), thank you for one of the coolest, uniquest, generousest, funnest gifts I never even knew existed in the universe. And thank you to Mbang for building my megacommand. There should almost be a separate thread just for the “thank you’s”.


I bought my MD at the turn of the century, and have a request to the X.05 team. Can you implement 64 step sequences, using the two 1/32 LEDs to indicate which set of 16 your on in binary? i.e.
OO 1-16
OX 17-32
XO 33-48
XX 49-64

This would make me stop having to deal with the fact that all my MK1 elektron gear has 64 step sequences, other than my ancient but much beloved MD. I actually asked Daniel Hansson directly to consider this years ago, but he wouldn’t. Can you brilliant hackers pull this off?


they have done this for mk1s. but only in conjunction with MCL.


Hello everyone!
I have a max/msp patch that cleverly modifies the machine settings using sysex and cc.
What midi message can I turn on/off the “tonal” setting?

and I also noticed that GND-PU is not called by 06 sysex.
SYSEX assign
$5b %0000aaaa %0bbbbbbb
%0000000c %000000dd
where 0bbbbbbb:


06 GND-PU - it’s not ok

Out of curiosity, does MCL implement its own sequencer internally and just triggers MD sounds via MIDI? (But in a way which feels integrated as it uses the trig buttons etc)

Yes, all the sequencing Is handled by the MC. The implemented UI integration of the MD makes it seem like it is one device.


I’m truly in love with the X.05 firmware.

Here’s a dub where I limit myself to one machine again (with some help from a spring reverb). A simple two-chord progression based on “Native Woman” by Gregory Isaacs, made possible by the polyphonic tonal mode in X.05.

It’s a simple I-ii progression, Cmaj to Dm, but the notation is done in quarter tones (24-tet), so for a major chord you would enter your base note and then use intervals of:

+8, +14

… and for the four-note machines you can add an octave at +24 or if you’re feeling spicy, create a 7th chord by using +22 instead. The rest is just classic Machinedrum madness. I know a lot of people use the MD for glitchy stuff, but I think it can excel at more realistic sounds too with enough care.


Nice work. I think the silver machines excel at Digital dub / dancehall style stuff. That’s why I re-invested in them (with the help of a small mortgage :wink: )


so good

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I’m a newb, is there a step-by-step walkthrough of how to send the update via SysEx Librarian somewhere? I have a MkII UW+ and TM-1, and I’m on Mac OS Monterey (M1) and would love to try out the new X.05C!

Pretty straight forward:

-Connect midi in & out to TM-1/MD & TM-1 to Mac.

Do a backup first! :
-See “Sysex Send” on page 63 of the MD manual.
-Hit record in Sysex Librarian, and send on MD.

Send New OS:
-See the instructions for X.05c, but in general:
-MD: startup in ‘boot menu’ (power & function key)
-MD: Choose midi upgrade.
-Mac: Drag/drop X.05c into Sysex Librarian and hit send.
-Wait ~10 mins, MD will reboot itself.

I speak for an Intel Mac on Big Sur, but the latest Sysex Librarian is M1 compatible. Report your experience!


I followed your instructions to the T and bricked my machine!!!

Just kidding, it worked flawlessly. My greatest concern was my cat jumping on the MIDI cable/power cord during the whole operation.

The update took longer than I expected, maybe 30 minutes or so. Is that because SysEx Librarian doesn’t support Turbo?

Thank you so much for your help and generous sharing of your knowledge on something that is probably basic for a lot of Elektron/MD/synth users. That was literally my first SysEx dump/backup and second firmware upgrade, first with SysEx Librarian.

While I was doing this I decided to try loading my first “User Waves” onto it and that was a whole ordeal. I found out I first had to convert .WAV to .SDS using SoX or Audacity in order to send via SysEx Librarian… did I get that right? Anyhow, I wanted to avoid having to download and learn to use Audacity, so I was able to figure SoX out (I’m not comfortable with command line) and get that working (but first I had to rename the .SDS extensions to .SYX… a bit slow to understand all this but I powered through).

The next problem I encountered though is some of my .WAV files wouldn’t convert to .SDS because of some encoding problem in SoX, these were usually slightly bigger samples with 24-bit depth (a few seconds), and I think from a quick search SoX doesn’t like 24-bit.

Lastly, I found one more slight annoyance: I read that C6 used to name the files on the way out to the MD so that they would appear named after the MD upon receiving it, but now that I’ve gotta use SysEx Librarian the files come in named “- - - -”. Do you know a good workaround for this other than manual renaming with the MD arrow buttons?


you can run an older OS and C6 in a vm (host OS depending…)

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Thanks… learning how to run a different OS using a Virtual Machine sounds useful, I hear about it often but that is def something I’ll have to look into before I break something. I know just enough to hurt myself.

That’s the best part about vms. You can break them all you want and they’re independent of your computer os. Just go back to the last restore point.

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Hrm, is there a benefit with 24 bit WAV but 12 bit playback?

Easier/better quality truncation i guess?