Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Care to share your sox command to do this?
Or how you can do this in audacity? edit: export -> other uncompressed formats -> SDS

Ha! OMFG donā€™t even joke about bricking an MD! You almost gave us a heart attack!

Re: TM-1 turbo, people have reported minutes to hours to do OS updates. It seems to vary wildly depending on oneā€™s computer platform, OS, and some even suspect cables. ( I myself noticed the turbo light went out on my TM-1 by itself at some point. Re-trying went way faster. Never happened again. Weird stuff. )


I did the following to convert a CR78 sample from .WAV to .SDS in Mac OS Terminal:

  1. I dragged and dropped the SoX executable into the Command Line which gave me this, but obviously, your directory will look different:


  1. I dragged and dropped the WAV file right after it:

/Users/warrenlain/Music/SysEx\ Librarian/MachineDrum\ ROM\ Samples/Tamb_Orig_CR78.wav

  1. Then I dragged and dropped AGAIN right after that, but simply renamed the .WAV extension to .SDS

/Users/warrenlain/Music/SysEx\ Librarian/MachineDrum\ ROM\ Samples/Tamb_Orig_CR78.sds

The entire command looks like this:

/Users/warrenlain/Downloads/sox-14.4.2/sox /Users/warrenlain/Music/SysEx\ Librarian/MachineDrum\ ROM\ Samples/Tamb_Orig_CR78.wav /Users/warrenlain/Music/SysEx\ Librarian/MachineDrum\ ROM\ Samples/Tamb_Orig_CR78.sds

Itā€™s my understanding that SoX just sees the original followed by the format you want and does the conversion without any other special commands, just entering one name after the other so long as you also tell Terminal where the SoX executable is before it.

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LOL MY BAD! I should know by now, these devices are classics. Thatā€™s like a rare collectible going up in flames.


IIRC, you donā€™t actually have to convert to SDS; C6 will convert from WAV just fine. I might be wrong about this, but thatā€™s how I remember doing it. I guess maybe itā€™s a prerequisite for SysEx Librarian thoughā€¦

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Loving these updates. Thanks for your efforts.

I have the same bug, except it happens with track 5 and 6.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Go to empty pattern and program steps on tracks 5 and 6.
  2. Mute those tracks.
  3. Double press stop.
  4. Press play (youā€™ll hear tracks 5 and 6 even though theyā€™re muted).

Iā€™ve tested this on every track and itā€™s only 5 and 6 that display this behaviour.


Confirmed. thanks


My weekly Beats this week was X.05 and trying to figure out megacommand. Nothing complex, but everything except for the melody voice is X.05. And the melody is a 4ms pod with the DistingEX in exciter mode, with params driven by LFOs and external P-locks on the MC.

Sequencing output routing on the MD is galaxy brain shit. I love it.


Is it ok, that switching from classic to extended mode switches current kit to previous one?

This has been fixed for the next release.


I noticed that you have to lower the speed a bit in Sysex Librarian to have a flawless transfer to MD. I donā€™t remember the settings exactly, but Iā€™d say 2/3 of max speed gives you a good transfer speed. If you go higher, the transfer collapses.

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would it be possible to add another Sysex-Command for requesting ā€œAll Kitsā€?

Wouldnā€™t it be a nice addition, in the menu, to have a timeout-setting for BANK so you can have it a bit longer or even up to infinity, pressing again would then turn it off? This would be useful for Live-situations when you need to switch/toggle Patterns.

I guess implementing instant Pattern-flip (Pattern-direct-Jump) like in the A4 or Rytm is impossible.

Cheersā€¦btw this x.05 is really a killer updateā€¦I enjoy this a lot atm. :wink:

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Is it possible to use the sound selection leds as a VU meter for input AB?

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Not part of the development team, but I can answer with relative certainty that its not happening anytime soon. Even if possible (which might not even be the case due to CPU and/or hardware limitations), many problems come up for such a circumstantial feature. Would be so cool though, so hope i get proved wrong.


Thanks for the answer, I donā€™t know anything about programming and the internal structure of MD, it would be convenient in some situations and two rows of LEDs in that position are ideal. I am happy however that the inputs seem to have good headroom (I havenā€™t had the instrument in a long time and Iā€™m still learning how to use it).

Thank you so much guys @v-yadli @JustinValer those new machines are fun and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m barely even using them. I came across a weird problem on my MD where after saving a song the md will revert to using the previous songs kit on every pattern except A1. Weird issue but I found the solution to be to go back and replace each pattern with your desired kit (just learned that was possible lol). Lost a few songs before this from thinking reinstalling OS/empty resets were the solution smh and had to go back and redo like 120 patterns on the new song Iā€™m working on. Not sure if anyone else has this happening on their MDs but made a post for it earlier and this is the solution that worked for me. Thanks again for your service guys really brought a lot of joy back into life with the upgrades! :beers:

hereā€™s the post btw if anyone is interested: MD - Song Mode pulling kit data from previous song/kit?

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Does anyone else regularly run into issues with parts of the UI becoming unresponsive? Iā€™ll be working or jamming and suddenly I can no longer edit steps, change record mode, or switch patterns.

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The only thing Iā€™ve encountered is when Iā€™m in grid rec mode, sometimes Iā€™m unable to remove or add trigs. Pressing rec twice to exit and come back to grid rec mode has always done the trick though. Iā€™ve had this behaviour about five times in the past year and literally hundreds of hours of use. As itā€™s been pretty rare, I havenā€™t been able to figure out what makes it happen. Iā€™m not really bothered by it anyway. No unresponsiveness whatsoever otherwise.

Machinedrum X.06 released: :rocket:


** Solo Mode **

Solo Mode from within the Mute menu, is now accessible via [ Func ] + [ YES ].

** Bug Fixes **

Re-Allow MIDI track triggering from any channel in base channel range
Some tracks could become unmuted on sequencer stop start.
Enhanced MIDI would process corrupt MIDI messages at Turbo speeds.

Sysex Additons:

SYSEX load kit:

  MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
        $58 | Load kit ID
  %00aaaaaa | Load kit %aaaaaa (0 to 63).
            |       if %aaaaaa > 63 load the undo kit.
        $f7 |