Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Nice, thanks !
The kit selection via sysex always existed, doesn’t it ?

yes, but if the kit value is greater than 63, it now will load the undo kit


I see. How is it different from reloading the current kit ?


Ha, right !

recorded earlier today with the new firmware. I ended up removing the Megacommand to focus on the Hapax drum tracks, to learn those. but its going back in for this weeks weekly beats, updates and all.


Hi, Justin.
I dont see classic / extended mode kit switch bugfix in release notes to X.06.
Is it there?
Also kit or sample per step feature would be nice addition.

It’s there, the fix is implemented across the two firmwares (MCL 4.10 and X.06) and does not relate to standalone MD function.


Does it mean that we can now trigger the MCL tracks from an external sequencer using midi notes and/or program change as before with the MD ? Or am I misunderstanding that bit ?

(I’m sorry if I’m always bringing that up, I’m juste praying for this feature since I have whole tracks with lots of different patterns that used to be triggered by the OT in song mode)

I just read the changelog about it

  • Program Change IN and OUT:

Added Config -> Midi -> PRG MODE option, with two Program Change receive Modes, BASIC and ADVANCED

Basic: Program Change Receive will “Group Load” an entire row according to Load Page mode and Group Select settings.

Advanced: Program change receive will set the row for slots to be loaded from.
MIDI notes C3 and upwards on port 2 can be used to select slots to be loaded.

In this way, you can load any slot (or multiple slots) using a combination of Program Change + MIDI note.

If Program Change is not received before MIDI note on/off, MCL will load from the current selected GUI row.

Slot loading occurs when all MIDI notes are released. MCL cannot load instantaneously, there is a minimum 1 bar delay.

Config -> Midi -> PRG IN sets the receive channel for Program Change and Note messages.
Config -> Midi -> PRG OUT sets the send channel for Program Change messages, which are sent when loading slots or rows.

Is the minimum 1 bar delay still a thing in Basic mode ?

Yes. It takes time to load from the SD Card, but also the Machine/Kit data needs to be transmitted to the MD via MIDI and this cannot happen instantaneously.


Just noticed a bug: The first trig’s p-locks in any track in any pattern are not being applied on Play. Put another way the very first played trigs’ p-locks aren’t working.




Can someone maybe confirm that it’s safe to update the firmware via MIDI-USB Cable?

Yes, did it several times (using similar device but from M-Audio)


Yeah, i’d go with a solid (cheeeep) Uno over that chipset. Someone gave me one of those with another device and while it may work i wouldn’t guarantee operation with all devices.

If it’s recognized when sending sysex, great! But might not transmit expectedly.

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I so love this "binary* idea for 64 steps on Mk1.

How technically feasible is this?
Is the HW constraint just the LEDs, or is there missing RAM or something in the Mk1?

This probably won’t work. In fact, I’d recommend tossing those. They don’t even meet the midi spec most of the time:
(dated i know)


Most of the cheap MIDI cable-interfaces I’ve tried fail to transmit sysex dumps successfully. There is an E-Mu branded cable that works.


I’ve always done sysex dumps with a Roland UM-One, works quite well.