Make Noise 0-CTRL

Someone made a great Max4Live device that lets you get at all these options without the button combos fort the 0coast.

Empress Zoia doesn’t have one either. There was just a thread about it one one of the Zoia forums. I have it plugged into an isolated power supply, which in turn is plugged into a Furman power strip, so it gets turned off/on via the power strip switch.


I emailed my Sweetwater guy… Though it’s not on the store yet, reps can put you on the list for pre-order. I’m taking the plunge. This and the Moog Subharmonicon to butter up with my 0Coast might be the end of buys for me this year.


I saw that but sadly I don’t Max4Live

I know this is desktop, but how does this compare in functionality to something like Rene?

I am looking to get into modular and have a few modules (maths and braids), I currently us an SQ-1 to sequence it and hook up to my MS20-mini.

I was wanting something a bit nicer than the SQ-1, and thought 0-ctrl might be a good call, But it looks like rene mk2 isn’t much more expensive 2nd hand!

Maybe this isn’t the right thread for this question?

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OT…but when will the Subharmonicon get releases? This year? Next year?

Yes i do it similar with all my Pedals.

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Someone mentioned earlier that Rene can sequence quantized notes. No quantizing at all with 0-CTRL - you must use the knobs to tune the notes by ear. Rene has other features befitting its higher price.

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René is a different beast. Maybe some place is a comparison chart?
Also maybe Analogue Solutions Generator is right up in the alley of alternatives. Its a bit more expensive but also offers a lot.


Rene also needs at least one external clock source, and is much more interesting once you have several clock sources/divisions. So you’ll need some other modules in addition to Rene itself. 0-Control already has a built in clock and can be used as is.

I have a Rene v1 and Pressure Points/Brains and can’t see myself trading either for the 0-Control, but if I was just starting out I’d go for the 0-Control for sure. Another thing to consider is that modules have a hidden hp cost in addition to the actual cost of the module (cost of your rack divided by the number of hp in your rack multiplied by the hp size of the module).

OT response

No idea. But I set aside the price of the DFAM in my budget for when it does.

Okay. Back on topic!

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This sequencer was made for me. Ordered this and the 0-Coast. My first Make Noise gear and my first real (semi-)modular. I can’t wait!


I use these with my DFAM and Space :

Just click on the one you want or do all at the same time.

It does have ratcheting, but it is a matter of how you interact with the touch plates while the sequencer runs. Tony from MN explains to Nick (Sonic State) how it is done at around the 10:00 mark:

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Got mine today, sequencing my pro2 with it… initial thoughts are, super sturdy build, the envelope sounds great, and the touch pads feel really responsive. Tons of interesting options, I would encourage anyone with semimodular synths to give it a go, that envelope adds so much to an already cool package. In the video I play around with pads with strength turned up which when held retrig with clock, you can then turn up speed and get ratcheting type effects and transition into faster arp like sequences more smoothly. Pro2 is sequencing oscillators 1 2 and 3 while 0ctrl is manipulating oscillator 4 as well and decimate effect and filter 2.


Have to agree with @bwo above, got a chance to sit down for a few hours with it the other night and it’s just… fun. Running audio rate into the clock and adjusting “harmonics” on each step, ping pong sequences, the touchplates, running those to different parameters (expo fm!).

Not sure how I’ll incorporate into songs yet but for the moment trying to enjoy it on it’s on interacting with like one other synth. IDK maybe I’ll get sick of it after awhile but right now totally love.

It is really difficult tuning w/o quantization - I can usually get three or maybe four steps in before it falls apart. This will either better me or break me.


Yeah I did notice when sequencing the Pro 2 that having oscillator drift on was way way more noticeable when sequencing with the 0-ctrl I think maybe it is possible the voltages sent from it have a subtle drift that adds up on something too unstable or maybe when tuning I was ending up subtly sharp or flat and drift was exaggerating that.

I will say that I have spent a lot of time with fretless instruments and this hasn’t felt too different to me, I think with practice it can become pretty second nature to zone in on notes. Still there is plenty of room for me to get better. It might be good practice to tune the fist note to a reference note and then try to do 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and so on based on the first reference. Then go back and check on a keyboard to see how you did. Another exercise might be to have 2 notes and go back and forth between them manually each time tuning to the last note you played after a certain number of tunings try to cross reference it to see how far adrift you have gone. Possibly trying to get a feel for what range an octave is on a knob would be useful for making tuning changes while using it live… the movements on the knobs are pretty subtle though so live tuning would have its risks for sure.

All that aside I think just tuning different ratios and using it as an offset sequencer and envelope generator is a perfectly viable and good use of it as a device, as a performance tool either live or in a studio as a way to generate unusual loops for sampling.

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That’s all good advice above and would be a good exercise to go through, thanks.

I know there was some discussion in this thread of the 0-CTRL being used with the MS-20, due to the MS-20 using Hz/Volt. Make Noise posted a little clip today on their Instagram using the two together…