Make Noise Strega

I have just checked quickly… It’s only sampled and replayed, quick and dirty. So there is a AD/DA conversion that occurs, but no additional digital treatment (e.g. to emulate analog saturation, for warping or whatever).

In the PT2399 , digitization is only used to delay the signal, nothing else ! The small DSP in the PT2399 stores only a sample of the sound in memory for a few milliseconds. Then it plays it back later without any sound processing added. Then, all the sound processing is done with 100% analog circuit.


From my rudimentary understanding, I think it is kinda hybrid. Basically most of the circuit is actually analog, but it is digitally controlled. This is also why is needs to have a clock that has to be filtered out, like a bbd. Cortini mentioned that clock being audible, and seems to use it intentionally as a sound source.


To be fair and to appease the seemingly over sensitive folks here what we are hearing in the vid with Batt and Cortini doesn’t do it justice and for sure other people are going to manipulate the device in other ways.
The audio demo’s from Lidell are way better and far more interesting but still not a show stopper for me personally but hey … when I first saw / heard demo’s for the 0 Coast and 0 ctrl I wasn’t that impressed either and now I think they are both extremely good creative devices. Especially the 0 ctrl sequencer. So for now I’ll just wait until we’re all better informed and until the slew of Youtube video demo’s get published to see if I can make more sense out of it.

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I think it’s a great addition the 0-Coast / Ctrl environment, as well as with any other small semi-modular steup.
I probably won’t buy it anytime soon, even tho I like the layout and sound out of it so far. But second hand in a few years to pair with the 0-Coast when I go out of the studio why not !


Live launch rescheduled for about 5 minutes from now


Some great patches in there so far ! Not Cortini sounding at all.


between the launch vid and Jamie Lidell’s demo I think I am sold. Damnit.


Looks like the noise n drone crowd should be happy with this. Hearing some cool stuff but the dominant harsh mid tone is not my thing. More interested in coast+contrl.


A nice variety of sounds in there.

Info up on Make Noise website.


This was pretty brave of Make Noise to make this idea a stand alone box. I definitely wasn’t expecting an instrument like this for this form factor. I think Strega would be a fantastic unit for noise musicians. You could probably do an entire noise set with this box.


nah, sounds like every other £500 analogue mono but with added white noise. They should’ve done a grain sampler


Yeah I was waiting for Walker to get his hands on it: that is a damn fine instrument. Won’t make me sell my DPO but if noisy drone tones are your jam, pretty sweet machine.


I decided to give it a second chance. When I saw the ‘All sounds unprocessed from Strega output’, I just listened without watching the visuals. Not a single sound I can see being used in a track, so it’s still a pass from me. I’m not the target market here, tho. It’s for drone artists first and foremost.

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I’m interested in seeing what other creatives do with it.

It stands to reason that, while being played by Cortini, an instrument that Cotrini co-designed, would sound like… Cortini. No surprises there.
But the stuff Jamie Lidell was doing with it sounded a fair bit like Jamie Lidell.

Where do people find these Liddell jams?

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Hmm how many times have I bought the 0-coast and then sold it because I realized it wasn’t for me?

Maybe three

Guess it’ll be four because im Incapable of learning a lesson and addicted to things looking symmetrical and Strega + 0- Coast would look sweet.

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Just watched the Make Noise premiere…

As said:

I agree. Having owned an 0-coast for 3ish+ years, and getting really melodic stuff from it while listening to soooo much blippybloopy (no offense bloopyblippers) that comes from others on the 0-coast, I’m going to take the plunge, and coax some riffs out of it.

Edit - I’m also looking forward to running my saxophone through it. Though I have plenty of delays and such, I think the ability to modulate the Strega’s delay controls, and interplay with my Morphagene is going to to be really fun.