MB33 retro slides and accents with Digitakt

Im trying to get the MB33 to do slides and accents with the Digitakt and can’t figure out how over Midi. Someone said the notes have to overlap but not sure how to do this. Any clues?

I don’t have an MB33 retro, but I presume you’d just need to have a note length that means that the end of one note is after the start of the next one. So if you have two trigs on positions 1 and 2 and want to slide between them, you’d just make the length of trig 1 greater than 1.0.


Yes to the above, and accents are achieved by setting the note to full velocity.

It’s a great little box :grinning:

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is the accent linear to how much velocity you put?

IIRC all notes with velocity above 120 have accent. How strong is set with the Accent poti.

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could i hypothetically mod it to have a midi to CV conversion sending CV into the pcb board to control a bunch of paramters or is this hard to do

I don’t think so, it’s just triggered with a 127 velocity note and controlled by the knob on the MB33. I may be wrong though.

Schnork beat me to it! :grinning:

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thats the standard trigger, but people complain about not havin CC so couldn’t you send a midi cable to the cv conversion then just sending the cv to the board

Accent is triggered when velocity is 127
Or it might be over 100 , I can’t remember.

It’s in the manual.

I’m not sure it’s got cv in , but circuitbenders do a great update , adding fm etc
It’s on their website
Their website can be found via google
Google is a search engine.

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These guys mod them for further control, might be worth a look.

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damn tahts exacrtly what i was thinking of. price is a bit high but ill def look into it, thanks!

i know it doesnt have CV in but its all just electricity so you could find a way to brute force the CV in :grinning:

Or maybe buy 2nd hand tb-03 that has fx and midi cc
I’ve seen em for £200 ish in uk

i hear mixed reviews about it. The xoxbox is older style circuitry so it’d be much easier to mod it I feel, but does anyone know how the sound quality of xoxbox vs MB33 is? never seen anyone compare them…

I think they did that here: https://www.acidvoice.com/tb_303_clones_contest.htm
They even have some excellent audio samples to compare between units :smile:

That’s the older mab mb33, not the retro which we’re talking bout

I thought the MB33 MK2 and MB33 Retro were similar in terms of circuitry?!

Not sure, but maybe. Some people say they like the Mb33 over the other clones since its darker and gooey and sits better in a mix :thinking: idk either way i think ill be happy

On MB33 website they says

  1. Autoslide
    The Slide (also known as portamento) enables sliding from one pitch to another. This effect is triggered automatically, when more than one note is played on the MB33 . In this case, the Envelope will not be triggered. This is explained by the following example

There is hidden picture which you can see here:

it will explain you how to place notes in digitakt to achieve your goal.

I hope this will help You.
And imagine i was complaining about getting slide for TB-03 becasue i have to map Knob for it :wink:


So, do slides work with only one midi track, by make a note last until the next step?