MC 707 / 101 : New Roland Grooveboxes

Yeah Iv’e been doing these with my MS-1 and just started with the Mono Station. The MC-707 has deep editing features and FX.
You have 4 parts and you can have different EQ and more for each partial. Really makes for a powerful synth.
That video is great it’s exactly what Iv’e been doing only I cannot save presets to a location except to a project.

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I believe if you select Reverb or Delay (or maybe even Scatter, not sure about that one) as the position of the sends/returns, you can dial in an amount for each track to go to the external effect. So this way you can replace the internal delay/reverb for an external send effect.

This makes me curious how this would work with the scatter, as I never use that function, maybe I can replace the scatter with an external effect so I can choose multiple tracks to go through it? You can choose which tracks are affected by the scatter, right? Or is it always the complete mix out?

Btw, does anyone know how to select the right Progam Change value you want to send to an external instrument upon clip launch?? Right now it just picks the # of the clip, which is pretty useless obviously…

Ok I looked it up; it seems you can only choose between the full mix or a single track to be affected by the Scatter… Too bad there is no way to choose multiple tracks…

yeah I was hoping for some sort of OP-Z punch in effects on a custom level, but tbh I find the scatter effect pretty useless…

I returned my MC-707 and bought a Octatrack, the limited sample time on the 707 is the main reason. I will keep the MC-101.

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I just use the MC-707 as a sound module and for sampling into the Akai MPC X the sound engine is good IMO the Scatter feature is a waste of time tho.

The MC-707 only as sound module? The MC-101 is more than enough for that purpose.

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Yep, I do occasionally jam on it but mostly sample the results later

The 101 gives very limited access to the synth engine, which can matter a lot to those wishing to dive in. It’s a big difference, at least until an editor is available (other than the one that will be out in a few months and will cost $100 a year)

That’s true, but if you only use the build-in sounds it’s overdone to buy a MC-707

That’s what I did, bought the 101 with the hope/belief that an editor will come, either from Roland or from a 3rd party.

In the Roland Q&A:

Q. Can I use ZENOLOGY as an editor for products that are equipped with a ZEN-Core sound engine?

A. No, ZENOLOGY cannot be used as an editor.

It will not be able to directly edit the hardware, but you will be able to create patches with the plugin and then transfer them to the hardware. And I think you will also be able to receive patches made on the hardware into the plugin.

Yup. Gladly sold my MC101.

How’s the workflow on the 707? I’m considering trading my Toraiz SP-16 for one, I’d obviously lose 8 tracks and separate outs, and less sampling time(?) but the simple looking panel appeals to me more than the touchscreen/pads interface, I think the 707 is a bit more menu divey than the SP-16 though? Anyone who has\had both care to comment?

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in 707 you can have up to 3 stereo pairs of output for 8 tracks, which is much better than main out only.
there is Aux out, and you can also use FX send as the 2nd Aux out (with some limitations).

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I had the Toraiz and currently have the 707. Getting samples into the SP-16 is easier and quicker, IMO. As a result, I usually just stick to the stock songs on the 707. That’s OK because they’re really really good sounds. The onboard synths are great on the 707 and easier to edit than you might think.

Actually loading sounds in the 707 is pretty straight forward. Maybe I’m lazy. But I feel like the SP-16 is easier. I don’t know.

The 707 has lots of outs via USB plus lots of knobs and sliders.

I mean, they’re both awesome. My 707 is unplugged at the moment because I need some space on my desk.

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Ah thanks, sampling would be my main area of interest as I probably don’t need most of the internal sounds aside from perhaps the occasional piano, as I have all the botiques and other synths.

Yes the SP16 sampling and looping is so quick and convenient I didn’t expect the MC to better it at that, but once the samples are in it the fader and 3 knobs per track of the MC look pretty hands on. I think the Toraiz is a bit more suited to making songs with the arranger whereas the MC seems more about performance or jamming, would you say that was right? No song mode on MC right?

sort of song mode appeared in 1.30 firmware update — it’s clip chaining.
see 1.30 new features manual for details.

EDIT: there is not so much details, so here it is:

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