MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Alright, it days 13 mm in the bom but they are htf so 11.5 is ok i guess? Good to know! I/we have decided to go with the safe option anyway and skip headers to let ppl buy them om their own.

Sorry for the shitty photos, but I have no issues with the 11.5mm pins

If your selling kits, you should probably include everything. I wouldn’t wanna pay 7euros or whatever for shipping for a sub 1 euro part.

And I didn’t order dual pins for this:

I just cut a single row twice.

Edit: I forgot to add that an original mega, not a clone. Dunno if header heights on the clones are different. Wasn’t worth the 10bucls for a clone and deal with some of the headaches that come with them.


Thanks for the information. I Still think (and the users i have talked to agreed) that headers is no priority now. I can probably complete the components when i have everything in My hands to compare with, so No worries. But thanks for your concern, appreciated!

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Sorry for the delay, i’ve been out for a while.
the pictured pin headers 11,5mm as micabeza told you are fine. :slight_smile:

Hi do you have some extra board? To sell or a kit please let me know


where are you located?

Mexico City CDMX

Tbh i also find it weird that a kit would be sold missing something basic like the appropriate headers.

I still have a couple left. I’m in Honolulu, so should t take too long. PM me details.

Wonderful nicoj, thanks! And thanks again to micabeza!

Nico, i´ll be sending your PCB possibly today, got to check some things first.

@micabeza, so i understand you just bought a bunch of 11,5mm long breakable pin strips with enough pins that should cover (what is it… 54?) all the connections? Goot idea about using a single strip as double… i mean, why not?
But i have a question - there is also mentioned a few 5mm short female mini headers, what did you solve these with?

It´s these i´m talking about:

2 PINHD-1X10 PINHD-1X10 EXP_L, EXP_R Pin header 1x10 0.1" spacing

Thanks a million for your help! And you´ve changed my mind, i´ll pick up a bunch of 11,5 mm breakable pin strips to get the build as complete as possible.

Exp_L and Exp_R, correct me if I’m wrong Justin, but those are the expansion ports on the left and right side of the board. They aren’t needed for the board to work. I didn’t use them (yet). I haven’t have much time for development, but I’m working on a couple things for the expansion ports.

I also didn’t use the ones for lifting up the power switch so I don’t know if they are needed to be level with the case. I don’t have mine in a case yet either as I need easier access to the expansion ports, and, like ODB, oh baby I like it raawwwww…

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You can go without buying the 5mm short female mini headers. They’ve been useless to me.

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And female headers only came in useful for me when I had to cut off the display because I put it on before the SD card holder.

Everyone building, please read above about making sure you put the SD card holder on BEFORE the display even though in the video it goes on after. But I did get a nice angled screen out of it. :slight_smile:

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Yes, The soldering of the OLED display is the FINAL step of the building of the megacommand. Take your time to check everything’s fine before and you don’t have forgetting something. I mean double or Triple check! :slight_smile:

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Great tips guys, thanks!

Another tip : Whan you soldering the display, only solder the extreme left & right pin. Then you check the height of the display and you’ll be able to adjust it buy soldering again one of this leg at a time. This way you can check with your enclosure the height of the display is perfectly aligned with it. Then you soldering the rest of the pins.

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Changed my mind, since the bom was left without references to headers in mouser and some have advice to leave it like that, i followed. But now it seems easy enough to find whats needed.
Tbh i never wanted to sell full kits, just happened to be like that anyway. Selling kits is a crap job, lots of work and time spent without very much in form of payback. So forgive me of i try to make it a little easier for myself.


Yeah. I was kinda curious why you went down that road. Took me a couple of orders to get what I needed. Can always back out and just ship the pcbs. People are more than happy with just that rather than buy 5-10 boards themselves.

Speaking of boards, if anyone in the America’s want, I still have a few left.

Well… there were a few guys being total beginners (or at least appearing so) that asked if i could provide kits, cases and so on, or perhaps build it for them. Being helpful in general i said maybe, then yes.

But now im not really in the mood for it anymore, so i have a few things i will watch and see how they pan out. If good, i keep going. If bad, we will see…

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Just build yours 1st. Then you’ll know exactly what to order for everyone else’s. I had to make quite a few substitutions from the original BOM due to parts being EOL or unavailable for weeks. Or I was just dumb and didn’t double check. What am I gonna do with 16 right angle buttons now? ¯_(ツ)_/¯