MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive



Just for info, har anyone triend these?

Also, does anyone know if there is a supplier of these in Europe? Cheers!

Edit: found them… robotdyn have resellers, no problem. Had some trouble finding just this specific one though but i guess i will mail the shops and ask. Anyway, found some clones in europe that seems like decent ones at a fair price. Proper USB controller driver, and maybe 14-15 euros for one and maybe 13,5 euros each for 5. Good price! And if it works like it should i can build and sell cheaper finished boxes. :slight_smile:

Just FYI, i´m buying the ORIGINAL Mega 2560 for everyone that wants a full kit in the group buy i arrange, so don´t worry. The clones is just for me, to see if i can build myself a working box with a cheaper alt.
I´m getting the components for my test build either tomorrow or tuesday, so by then i´ll soon bet back to everyone that has ordered with more details.

On that note, @dtr get back to me, i have your 5 pcb´s waiting for you!

Justin, if in building a new sketch for something using the expansion ports, if I want to use the trigger interface, is it as simple as adding triginterface.h and .cpp to the sketch?
Sorry for being a code dunce. :confused:

Off the top of my head.
You would need to include the following.


The trig interface maps MD triggers (sysex messages) to note on/off events.
The note_interface maps MIDI note on/off messages to GUI events (button presses).

//In your setup()

MD.connected = true; //trig_interface won't work otherwise.

The above code should enable the SYSEX listener for the TrigInterface mode of the MD. Which through the note_interface adds events to the GUI event queue whenever a trig button is pressed on the MD.

These events will be processed by the active page handleEvent routine

bool MyPage::handleEvent(gui_event_t *event) {
  if (note_interface.is_event(event)) {
    uint8_t mask = event->mask;
    uint8_t port = event->port;
    uint8_t track = event->source - 128;

    if (event->mask == EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED) {
     //Do something, trig number == track
     return true;

    if (event->mask == EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASED) {
    return true; 
  return false;

If you have more questions, start a new thread on github: issues

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Hey guys,

got my mouser order today and it so far looks great, just have a couple of thoughts.
There is one 8-pin header on the Mega 2560 that don´t have an opposite on the MCL board, and that´s the one that should be placed “behind” where the SD card reader sits. In the end of the U-shape created by the headers on the 2560.
I´m just checking - it´s supposed to be like that, those 8 contact points are not needed? I´ve circled the backside of the header in this image (thanks to whoever i borrowed the image from!) just in case.

Also, anything else that i need to know that´s important before building so i don´t mess upp? Read something about the importance of installing the sd card holder before the screen, so i´m on top of that. I think…

Anything else important that i should be aware of?

Edit: doh… i read the github build section so forget it, gt it handled. But if something comes up, throw me a bone will ya? :slight_smile:


That header is for the sd card breakout board that was eventually replaced with the Yaimachi slot.

It can be left unpopulated


Alright, built my test-MCL without any problems, mind you it was just to make sure i had what i needed to place the big order for the whole group. But it´s no difficult build if one has done it before, similar stuff…
Thanks for the help and ideas, and for the ppl involved in the group purchase with mem i´ll contact you any day now with more inforpmation, now that i´ve cleaned up the cart so you won´t get any unnecessary bits n pieces. :slight_smile:


A shout to all the guys (no gals :frowning: ) that has joined the euro MCL ordering group synced by yours truly! Since most of you are here this is easiest. I´m still relaxing having vacation but did a check on the accounts to make sure i´ve got sufficient funds from you guys transferred, or not. It´s looking good, so far - from the swedish forum only one out of 10-11 is left. From other forums (mostly here) there are still missing payments, four of them. No rush - you know who you are - but check your mail for instructions and let me know.

Also, one person has transferred the wrong amount. Most likely there´s been a currency change and paypal has deducted it´s humongous fee from the amount i was supposed to have. I´ll contact you separately about this, no worries. :slight_smile:

Also, if you have questions throw me a mail. I´ve been slow to answer but will man up and get a grip soon.

There´s no rush but the quicker i get everyones dough, the faster i will order and so on & forth… :slight_smile:

Enjoy the summer. Cheers!

I’ve uploaded a small change to the lid design.

The rectangular strip that presses against the back of the MIDI ports for stability, could be a little too high. The shorter rise should improve the case fit.
Sometimes the buttons would get stuck using the old lid design.


So the latest to use is this: and all it contains?

Anywho; to all the ppl in the euro order list - the last payment is just about to arrive (thanks, everyone!) and after that i will go into ordering mode. There will be 25 cases ordered in total; one person backed out and would make his own 5 boxes to that is that.
I have sent out a few PCB´s for the ones that want to do their own ordering and will send the last package of 5 today.

Will keep you updated. Cheers!

Edit: there´s only one person left to pay and i´ve given this person up to sunday to transfer the amount needed to paypal; if not we drop him and continue - cannot wait forever, and i´m anxious to get the process started properly. I hope you agree on me guys, i know you want your parts too! /end edit

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Is it possible to save the routing page with the project? if so, how?

Not at the moment. It’s saved globally.

We can look in to changing this for version 3.0


It could be so usefull to load a project with it’s own routing. Waitin so far to try the version 3.0 when ready! i know it’s big job to code, cannot help unfortunately. I’m confident with masters yatli & justin!

There’s another possibility that routing will become like a sequencer track, and you can transition between different routing layouts from the grid.

We’re currently working on ways to make the grid more flexible in this regard.


As many machinedrum users i have a mixing desk associate to the out/in, so i have just one word to say : YES!

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That sounds amazing, Justin

Hi. Sorry if this isn’t the correct place to ask. Does anyone have a leftover pcb or parts I can buy? I’m in the U.S.

I still have a couple left. PM me address and details.