MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

I just made a profile today because this topic brought me here to the forum so I’m not able to send pm’s yet. Are you able to send me a pm and I can reply? Otherwise I can give you my email.
Thank you!

I just received a MegaCommand today to give it a try and it looks super interesting and impressive (I made a couple of controls for the MD in sysex so I get how much work that has been put into this).

My main concern is that there isn’t any program changes or midi notes to trigger each row (patterns)

I was pretty sure that Elektron machines are supposed to have that feature to work together (I work with an OT and a Digitone). As far as I’m concerned Elektron machine would stay at the studio if it wasn’t there.

Is it something that is planned to be implemented ?

Yeah, we can add this to the wish list for 3.0


Hey euro-MCL group buy ppl, just wanna let you know i ordered the Mouser parts today. There was an item on backorder but just a week or two extra.
I also ordered a few sets for myself without the arduino original, where i will try out a clone i have found and to see if i can build a cheap but stable version. If they work fine i will sell them a little bit cheaper but i will only have three so first come, first serve. But no rush, it´s a while left until i even have the blocks to build with. :slight_smile:


Do you still have open spots available for your megacommand build?

No, only as finished builds i think. But send me a mail and we can discuss your wishes. foo at gmx dot com, warning, answers might be found with the spam mail. Or a PM here in the forum.

Hi all,
Anyone know where i can order an OLED screen ? i’ve got some difficulties with the japanese website.
Thanks in advance.

Choose interface 4 wire SPI option.


Got the displays for the group guy today, guys! So far i have everything sorted to name, now we are anxiously waiting for mouser and Thonk to deliver. Unfortunately mouser will take another week according to the mail i just got, and then it´s only a partial delivery but they will send the rest asap i hope. It´s only 15 SD cards missing to i guess we can manage.

Anyway, about the displays. Just so you know, BuyDisplay may look like a US company in every way possible but they are actually chinese, payment via paypal goes to a chinese recipient and it was sent from Shenzen.
I think this might be the reasin for taobao to be so restrictive regarding english language, and selling to western hemisphere countries. Now they can adjust the prices upwards a lot and no one cares.
But fortunately i was overlooked by customs or they had some kind of deal with pre-paid customs fees…i dont know.

Happy to have them and just wanted to let you know, anyway… Cheers!

Edit: oh, i will have at least three MegaCommands for sale after i build the ones for myself. I´m also considering another run of PCBs seeing how big the interest was this time, and with almost no marketing. But i will let y´all know.

3 Likes is a China-based global display manufacturer that has been a worldwide business in design, produce and sell various displays for small to large companies and includes many Tier 1 multinational corporations since 2003. Our old web site is


Ok, thanks for clarification Justin. I shouldn´t sit and invent conspiracy theories on my own in the evenings when very tired so that was unnecessary of me and totally off topic.

BuyDisplay has been a model of service-mindedness with very fast delivery, safe packaging and their staff has to me been very nice and helpful!

So, no more conspiracy theories from me. Sorry about that, and no more silly things in this thread, i´ll keep it proper. :blush:



Hi I Just ordered a Machinedrum UWMK1 and the seller told me about MegaCommand. I am interested in buying/making one and was wondering how one comes to own a MegaCommand MIDI controller and also I own a Faderfox MX12 MIDI controller which I was planning to use to control the Machinedrum, is it possible to have both operating at the same time? So that the Faderfox controls the Machindrum simultaneously to the MegaCommand allowing the extended sequencer abilities? I really hope so because if so then I definitely will do whatever is necessary to come by one. Cheers :slight_smile:

I have a handful left for sale. The cost is $300 AUD + postage.
If you’re looking at building one, someone on the forum might be able to hook you up with a pcb.

We allow for MIDI passthrough from port 2 to port 1 and vice versa. So you could attach a dedicated controller to send CC messages directly to the MD.



Can I reserve one I have to save up for a couple of weeks but I will definitely buy one as soon as I have the resources. I don’t know how many are left and how on demand they are that is why I am asking because that is exactly what I need. So awesome. Thank you for the fast reply. I would definitely just rather buy it from you!

Where are you located?

Stuttgart, Germany

Cool. I will keep one aside for you. Postage will be around $35 AUD


Wow thank you so much I really really appreciate it. I will do my best to come up with the money ASAP!!! Cheers and thank you for your service to the community <3

Some info your “my” group buy members; i´ve got the yamaichi sd card readers finally and am in the process of sorting the last parts. I think i´m done, but next steps are to sort it more proper with numbering of components, and then a printout of each kits parts with numbers corresponding to description or some kind of help when building. But i recommend you use the already existing documentation as much as you can, i will send you a list of what´s in the parcel with name, values and useful / needful info.

Also, and finally, i´m awaiting the cases. You don´t rush some things and this is the case at the moment, imo.

I hope to be able to send out mails about shipping details and costs pretty soon.

And some people have asked about PCB´s; i am truly sorry but the few spares i have i´m gonna need since they are reserved for the ones buying full kits pre-built.

But i´m gonna produce more PCB´s, count on it!