MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

The OS was also a simple process to update; it´s been ages since i did it but it worked out great. Now i only wait for something to mount the prototype in, but it´s coming. Meanwhile i´m gonna build a few copies of the working prototype for some nice people that has trusted me to do the work for them. :slight_smile: Looking forward to it!

Yesterday was the worst, both personal and professional, but it ended on top when i got the proto working, so i´ve been riding that wave all day and can´t wait to get home and build a few more! :slight_smile:

Also, BuyDisplay has been VERY decent, i apologized to them for a few words that was misdirected and they actually compensated me for the extra work i have to do to get the displays working properly. Thanks John @ BuyDisplay!

I´m making a few black cases aswell and i think they will look very cool if i switch the black pushbuttons to white ones - gonna match the white text on the screen very nice. Now, which pot buttons to get… hmmm…


i´m wondering about the switch in the middle of the board. I douldn´t figure out if, and it didn´t look to have an orientation, so i just mounted what “felt right”.

Now, it was a few days ago but when i got the first prototype working i only has it connected to the computer via USB, and using the switch seemed to have zero effect, none whatsoever.

What´s the deal with the switch, is it connected to the power input pack only or what? or what am i missing?


hey justin, are you saying you have fully built mega commands left over? (if so, I’ll take one/buy right away mate.) thanks.

I’d knew you’d come around sooner or later…

I’ve got a couple left.


The switch only works when DC power is used. Orientation is not important.

Power supply specs: 9V Centre positive. 250ma or greater. (same as arduino)

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I’ve got five finished (four are pre-ordered) MCL just waiting for cases, and a sixth waiting for a user to notice it. So, anyone in euroland and beyond that wants a MCL, gimme a shout. I will have all the cases delivered next week, between 29th and 31st i think.

Edit: all the cases are shipping, just got verification. They were sent yesterday evening and i am waiting for tracking id’s to follow them. Good news, indeed! :smiley:

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Does megacommand has anything lke a “loop slice function” built in? Like this: Sample Chains on MD?

Currently the RAM pages allow you to loop and slice RAM recordings.

We are working on a WAV editor (loop points are already supported), we have something like this in mind.


Regarding the memory card, how much can the MCL handle? I have a synch of extra cards lying aroound… nothing wrong with them, but i wonder if 1GB is the optimal size or if it likewise can be 4GB, 16GB and so on… Does it matter?

Anyways, i´m making anyther smaller run this time, just 10 since i had some PCBs from before to spare plus also some ardfuino 2560´s so i´m gathering them and making one more small production run. This time, all will be produced/pre-built to a slightly lower cost i hope to offer them to stragglers. So arduinos and PCBs are ordered! :slight_smile:

Version 3.0 project size will be approx 20MB

1GB/20MB = 50 projects per GB

You probably want at least 2GB for projects, and another 2GB for sample storage.

8GB gives you plenty of room.


Awesome, i will prepare my 2nd run with more capable memory then. Thanks!

Hey all,
don’t know if i missed something. I run all the test but can’t compile the last step.

any ideas ?

Is that the entire output? The compiler should not print a “note:” like that without an error or warning before it. Either way, that doesn’t explain why there’s an error from the linker (ld).

i have some more when i set to show verbose

Which last step. What are you trying to compile?

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I suspect you were trying to compile the MCL firmware.

Please upload the pre-compiled firmware binary once your MegaCommand testing is complete.

Latest release is always in:


thanks a lot, works really nice now !!



i´m soon getting a bunch of black and white cases and i´m using endless d-shaft encoders, where you you guys find suitable and cool / matching and not too expensive knobs? I´m in Sweden, so i order the SD readers from Thonk so that might be the obv. choice, but can you recommend any that looks like… awesome even if they are not too expensive?

Knobs are the hardest part. The elektron knobs are the best, but they are a custom component.

Maybe these are worth checking out:


I´d really like something like brushed or serrated aluminium knobs of course without pointer, anyone seen something like that somewhere? Chroma Caps look good though but not what i´m looking for personally.
I´ve contacted elektron; since i live in Gothenburg where they have their HQ i might have it easier to get hold of something. Doesn´t matter if they are grey or black or whatever actually, it depends on the style of the case, white or black…

Regarding the Elektron knobs, i think i will be able to manage to score a bunch for the machinedrum and if too few i will fill it up with Rytm mk1 knobs probably. So it might be a bit more expensive but the guy at elektron was gonna check the stock and let me know. They´re really helpful there so i think i can get the lot at least at no too excessive price. We´ll see!

If you dont want, already have, or dont dig these i have a few cheap ones but only enough for like four units…

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