Microcosm | Hologram Electronics

what’s the lowest bpm on the microcosm?

@Chinchilla @esq any updates on those issues you were experiencing?
I’m about to get busy with mine on returning from quite a few trips away and wondering how it’s working out for you now.

I did a firmware update, to the very latest one that came out a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t notice much in the way of improvement. I did another factory reset which seemed to solve the pops and clicks. It seems really flawed to me, but obviously plenty of other people are loving them :man_shrugging:t3:

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Interesting content from a guitarist point of view :

Thanks for the reply, that’s a bit of a worry. I’ve read about steppiness, missing presets, pops/clicks and noise. Hoping these can be ironed out for everyone experiencing them. I’ll be testing my unit out over the weekend…

Oh yeah, the steppyness of the encoders! That’s still there.

Would you mind saying how much you paid in total, with the customs/delivery charges?



which worked out to be about £422 in the end.


ooh!! That’s not bad at all.

Thank you.

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which pedal has a comparable or better ‘strum’ effect than the microcosm?

Not a pedal but the NDLR has a cool Strum.

Also not a pedal, but I was just reminded the Keystep 37 has a strum parameter too

Won’t have access to my main studio soundcard for a few months at least, wondering if the digitakt can be used as a midi interface to deliver a firmware update to the microcosm? :thinking:

wow the microcosm can’t be the only one :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, I’m sure a clever user can implement something strum-like on Zoia or Poly Beebo.

Such a challenge would be child’s play for the likes of chm_jaques, with his genius-level imagination and skillset, on the Zoia.


I got my Microcosm a few weeks ago. The ordering process and delivery was very smooth thanks to the pre payment of taxes and import fees. Shipping was very fast.

The sounds of the pedal itself are awesome. Some folk have said it’s samey, but I really don’t get that at all. There’s a good amount of variation, and it’s great at what it does.

The one problem I’ve run into is that there are audible pops and clicks on the transition between loops. I’d heard this was down to the input signal being too hot, but even attenuated right down… on the latest firmware etc it’s still a problem. They really need to get a handle on that as it ruins an otherwise brilliant bit of gear.

I’ve put together a video with a bunch of blah blah on what I like about it and some of the issues below… including a bunch of sound demos at the end. If you haven’t got one yet it might be useful.


Did you try changing the input option?

You have choice between instrument or line.

Edit: i saw that comment on your video with one guy selling after a day saying sounds are all the same… just like saying i sold my guitar after 30 min because it could not play for me :wink:

Yeah. Had the same problem irrespective of the input selection. After a few emails back and forward with Hologram, a full factory reset after the firmware upgrade appears to have fixed it for now, but I haven’t had the chance to fully test it out yet. Hopefully that has done the trick after a bit of faffing about!


That fixed it on mine too. Still, mine is for sale!

can anyone say whether or not there is a tempo adjustment on the microcosm and if so what does lowest it goes down to?