
Everyone is a master until they aren’t…

…just because they’re legal and a common thing to do, nicotine, coffein, adrennalin and alcohol are also nothing but drugs…

again…the dose makes the poison…ALL the poison…
u can even get addicted to too much sports and even that “good habit” can turn against u…

a good balance remains THE key…no need for perfection…good will do perfect… :wink:
full awareness and conciousness of pleasure and enjoyment are THE gatekeeper…


Caffeine and Alcohol are some of the strongest drugs I’ve tried - I think a lot of boozers don’t realise they’re already on the hard stuff.

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Sure you are right to to an extent but just because a person can manage to use cannabis (for example) in a responsible way doesn’t mean that self control is going to extend to cocaine so just telling someone who is about to inject heroine for the first time that it’s fine in moderation is pretty useless advice.

…i enjoy…from time to time…a good single malt whiskey…3 to 5 cigarettes a day…1 or 2 coffees a day…maybe, sometimes a certain period of planned out microdosing lsd in liquid form, and with no doubt 1 or 2 times psychonaut full on tripping experiences/brainjourneys a year and also 2 or 3 real good party fun drug occasions a year…

but whatever it actually is…especially those habits and little guilty pleasures with some daily bases frequent factor…i embrace and enjoy those moments with full awareness…

u will never see me smoking while doing something else at the same time…
if i smoke a cigarette, i smoke a cigarette…with all conciousness and focus possible…
and sure, my morning ritual is a real good espresso in a glass accompanied by a cigarette…

while sure, everybody needs to learn for their own, for every addictive substance or action, where’s that personal treshhold of too much and where’s that personal right balance…
even for highly addictive stuff like brown sugar opioids or always bloody cocaine there are levels were u could enjoy them for real…but in those cases, it’s a pretty hard and pretty dangerous way to learn how to become a master…

in best case, ur just able to grow out of them before it get’s too late…

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Addiction is just really weird and hard to figure out. The only thing I am addicted to at this point is Snus and I agree these type of things are really only enjoyable when you are able to parse them out, like a pouch of Snus after a meal, that is heavenly but when it’s a pouch of Snus every other hour, it is just a habit that lacks any sort of distinction and is a bit of a bore. But truth is, most people can’t have a couple cigarettes, a single glass a wine a day, or they can for a while until they find out they can’t and find it extremely difficult to quit.

Anyway, I don’t really group mushrooms with any of the above. Although I know a few people who seemed to of done too many trips I think far more people have used them successfully in a therapeutic way. I myself have never considered using mushrooms to “party” and personally find it disrespectful to the great shroom in the sky!


Adrenaline is a hormone that is produced naturally.
Just because something can be addictive doesn’t mean it’s a drug.

…oh, i’ve seen adrennalin junkies…not healthy by nature at all…

while some of the very best stuff is bodymade “only”…

I tried that Wim Hof breathing technique for the first time the other day. I think the dude is a bit of a bone head dofus but I was shocked how relaxed and energized I felt after. It really notched down my anxiety and properly quantized it with my natural bpm.


By that logic everything is a drug. Unless they administered other ppls adrenaline into their bodies.

…can become a drug…yes.

and as said here also, some of the best are bodymade…

controling ur breath in certain ways leads to unbelieveable results and effects…
brain affirm adrennalin peaks and dmt rushes are literally mindblowing and can be triggered by nothing but breathing the right way…oooooof and woooooof…

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Watch out for kratom. Seems harmless until you’re hooked, and then in order to quit you’ve got to endure some hellish withdrawal symptoms that persist for months. Check https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/ :eyes:


Yea, that was my worry and hair loss, as I have over 40 and my golden locks are one of the few things I have going for myself these days!

Yeah I know, I’ve been Wim Hoffing and have experienced that type of stuff but I still wouldn’t call that using drugs. This is just semantics of course.

Calling everything that modulates ones brain chemistry a drug is just quite a reach IMO.
It makes the word drug completely meaningless.

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…EVERYTHING…that u can’t go without, that joins ur comfortzone of daily habits is a red flag…a sure sign of some sort of addiction…no matter what…

patterns are a great thing…but patterns on hi repetition always lead to a dead end road…

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Ok, but has anyone been practising microgasing?

Small and very cheap gear, two days a week


I never said it was and I agree just something for people to consider when feeling anxious etc.

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My answer was for Reeloy. I think there has been a small confusion here. :slight_smile:

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Omg I just noticed 100 reply’s! I.can’t wait to read these!!

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no but this thread peaked my interest to try this as well…
(THIS THREAD IS MAKING ME THIRSTY in George Costanza voice)

thc did not help me get focused whatsoever, it fucks me up even in small doses with a vape, so i gave up. maybe psy stuffs in small doses will have different effect… btw thanks for introducing the fadiman protocol, i’ve looked it up quickly and it’s very interesting, i will dig deeper for sure.

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