
Ground control to major OP :rofl:

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mucho gracias. The people here are very warm and patient with my horrible Espanol. And the food! Omg……

…never tried wim hoffing, though… :wink:
might give it a go someday…

will never get hooked on micro gasing…that much is for sure…

while all sorts of anxiety and drepression are too serious…but some dedicated microdosing can lead to healing for sure…

even micro gasing might show some positive short term effects here…
but, in that case, with no chance for a serious medical long term solution…

sad truth remains…some get lost way faster and easier than others…
and some never find a safe way back home to a well balanced comfortzone…


I would highly recommend Hoffing. :slight_smile:


Although I haven’t microdosed cannabis I have to say that weed has had a net negative effect on my life and only have the occasional spliff when walking my dog at night. In fact I took a toke last night and OD’d on whipped cream and cake after and it felt like two wombats mating in my stomach this morning.


…not enough patience for now, i’m afraid…
but puh, that’s another big point in all this…patience…innit?

It only takes 10mins at a time and I really easy to learn. Although the fact that he perforated his colon while trying to give himself an enema with a public fountain might deter you…


I found microdosing a half gram of shrooms every three days for a month leading up to a real trip is ideal. Gets you in a healthier mindset for the big boi, and even though it’s sub-perceptual, smoking weed while microdosed creates a really nice high.

I never got visuals on 1/8oz trips, but then I took a 1/4oz in 2020 and that did the trick. Nowadays I’m microdosing on occasion, finally found a connect again so I’ll get getting back into the mind adventures soon.

…ten minutes only…where’s the fun in that?!..
no worries, just kiddin’…

i gonna hoff like wim for sure someday…


Indeed it is. Hoffing is quite intense, at least for me it is. However it does feel so good it is easy-ish to create a habit doing that.

Give it a try without any kind of goals and see how it makes you feel.
It’s very immediate and easy and you can tell if you like it pretty fast.


…so, i hassel the hoff…promise.

but for now, i gotto get off this trip…over and out…


haha well yeah, the fridge/pantry becomes a real danger for me too, one of the reasons I had to pace down to occasional spliff with a beer as well

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Wim hofmann method sounds like a nice experiment


I spent twelve months micro dosing, after years of dealing with ptsd and undiagnosed adhd.

I don’t want to say I’m fixed but it’s been the closest to ‘normality’ I’ve been post pharmaceuticals.


Wim Hof breathing technique on acid or shrooms is pure bliss!

I don’t always ride my bicycle while tripping balls, but when I do I’m intentionally hyperventilating.

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How long does it take microdosing before someone notices some sort of positive effect?

Psychedelics respond well to intentions.
It’s a part of “set and setting”
What specifically is the positive result you’re after?

It’s important to keep in mind it’s not going to “fix” you. However it helps clear the mind/egos chatter allowing you to become more focused on what’s important to you.

It doesn’t keep anyone from making poor life choices. It does assist in creating new neural network pathways which opens options you may have not considered. Gives a sensation of having a new perspective on things.
That’s the refereeing part. You still have to act on these new things over and over for them to become a new way of life.

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Well, I’ve put a bit of work in the last couple years, but still get a bit bogged down at times and certainly am one to overthink things. At this point I feel like I am not actively making bad life decisions but not being proactive enough about following through with more constructive goals. So, if it were to nudge my motivation a bit and ratch down my anxieties, that would be a welcome outcome.

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Personally I’m not a microdose advocate.
I’m into full doses, with intentions, followed by lots of discussion, self reflection, and applying the lessons that come from all of that.

That’s how they’ve served me best.

Anxiety for example. Taking a full dose ramps up a lot of things forcing me to deal with the anxiety right then and there. The result is when it’s over. I feel very calm after going through all of that. I sustain it with talking about it and putting some of the ideas into motion after the experience.

It shows me how light I can be when I learn to let go of so many things I hang on to.