MIDI controllers with NRPN?

Now I know what you mean…you mean controlling NRPN with CC! That indeed needs more than one CC to basically emulate the NRPN resolution, but if you set the knobs to output nrpn on A4/AK/AR and Digis, they just output nrpn.


And does that help me in that case? As far as I understand those are fixed (and more for recording them externally?) and are not P-lockable.

Oh, yeah…you’re right^^ I didn’t think about that. Lol.

Need moar coffee…

But to be fair, the Elektrons are not meant to be midi controllers.

That‘s not true. I paid some money for the MIDI side to control other gear. That’s part of their feature set. And I don‘t think it‘s tough to implement this (just add the darn MSB+LSB data to the message).

Ok, got ya. Then it’s probaply just how I view my Elektrons. I mean, I view my OT as kind of the midi brain, but more in the sense of a sequencer. Even my AK (which does have a midi controller mode) is more of a simple small sort of controller keyboard with limited midi features for me (only 10 parameters).

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Had forgotten about the MIDI implementation of BCF2000 as I use mine in MCC mode to control Reaper.

But yeah: 4 pages of 8 sliders (motorized) and 8 knobs.

Btw, I wonder if it’s possible to do some remapping with NRPNs (CC is fine for me, so I actually never used NRPNs) with a midi processor. Anyone know? My MIO4 can only remap CCs and midi channels.

Then Analogs and Digis could be used to control NRPNs.

one NRPN message equals to 4 CC messages.

but you can’t emulate an NRPN message with, say, 4 knobs.
or you probably could with 4 grids of 128 buttons each (and in certain ideal conditions), but it’s way too impractical.

Does not compute. Could you elaborate? 4 MiDi slots because: MSB+value, LSB+value … I understand this.

MIDI sux. This I understand. Such a patchwork protocol.

You can’t have the same resolution, but you can use it. I could control Micromonsta NRPN parameters like a breeze with 1 knob (sending 2 CCs once previously). 128 values resolution.

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perhaps have a look at the Electra One…

just got mine, and really impressed with its build quality, and is really easy to setup.
(and supports NRPN, RPN, even sysex - its very well thought out)


Btw, I found this plugin for Reaper which lets you remap any incoming midi message, including NRPNs to any parameter in Reaper. Gonna try that later.

So maybe NRPN output from Analogs and Digis could atleast be used to control software.
Maybe such thing also exists for other DAWs?

Still looking for a midi processor which is able to remap NRPNs…

MIDI rox!
i’m pretty sure that nothing of todays protocols will still be usable 40 years later.
but yes, sometimes it’s not easy to wrap your head around it.

you’re dangerous. you invoke GAS :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i use it for converting CC to NRPN and even SysEx.
of course there are other options as well.


MIDI 2.0 could have been released 10 years ago with backward compatibility imho. 1.0 literally makes lots of stuff impossible. Try to use a Touché with external gear without bidirectional MIDI (parameter reflection) - it sux.

well, we’re probably going into off topic matter, but it couldn’t.
10 years ago everyone was using DAWs with VSTs, and everyone was pretty sure that hardware synths will either remain as high-end relic for rich popstars, or die away soon, and MIDI together with them.
no one needed better MIDI 10 years ago.

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Event Processor Plus, i guess RK002…

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so, for those who asked, NRPN message consists of 4 CC messages:

  1. CC #99 — NRPN number MSB
  2. CC #98 — NRPN number LSB
  3. CC #6 — parameter value MSB
  4. CC #38 — parameter value LSB (for 14-bit values, otherwise 0; some gear allows it to be skipped if not used, but this is non-standard).

(btw, had an insight while writing this. i should try making a switch in my Axoloti NRPN object that turns skipping the 4th byte on/off)


Cool but no faders

the pack shots look cool - the screen super nice (I wish 1010 blackbox used that) but all the youtube videos are total sh** - I wonder why they forgot to put the effort into this.

On my search for resources on the UC-33 I found this:

Might come in handy for anyone who tries to program it for Elektron machines.