MIDI controllers with NRPN?

Seems Midiflow app can do it too (with controllers IAP). Just had a look, not tried with any connected gear

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Faderfox PC12 or MX12 and you have room to expand. Also you have mappings for Elektron boxes. It’s the same size as your A4 and built like a tank. Barker uses one of these in his against the clock

Yeah those were mentioned before.

Unfortunately they’re hard to get where I live and also probably a bit of an overkill for me. I’m totally fine with programming the A4 using the built-in encoders. For me it’s mainly about accessing the mixer, meaning track 1-4 + the audio ins nested in track 5.

If you can get a used novation sl zero mk2 your in business , you can choose cc or NRPN for each of the knobs and sliders … I have one setup for my a4 , even got it to have different buttons for each waveform etc, it’s pretty powerful ! The setup is done on the machine , so it’s a bit work intensive , the auto map software does not allow you to edit the standalone mode (but you dont even need to own a computer to set it up) bet you could get a real cheap one if you look around , it’s intended use , with the auto map software has been discontinued anyway .

Kenton Freak Studio or Live
You can send multiple CCs and NRPNs from a single pot and/or slider or button
Selling my 16 sliders version as I got a pot version :slight_smile:
Also send transport :slight_smile:
Very accurate clock