Midi fighter twister


Hi midi fighter twister users,

I try to use the super knob function with my hardware with no success for now. I don’t know how to set the secondary cc (number and midi channel).

My twister has the latest firmware and the midi fighter utility is updated. I mailed DJtechtools to understand but they couldn’t give me a clear answer.

For exemple, I want to control the filter cutoff frequency (cc19) and the filter resonance (cc21) with the same knob.

Help me please to figure it out.


What answer did they give?

I opened my editor don’t see any place to change the secondary CC. Based on this explaination, it seems that perhaps it automatically chooses the secondary CC as the primary CC number + 64. Works fine if you’re mapping in a DAW, not so much if you need specific values.

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I don’t think I ever got that to work , they do have a forum but it’s not very popular.
In general I used it in a basic way. I think it’s geared towards scripts for traktor / ableton.

Thank you guys,

you confirm this function is useless for mapping a hardware synth or whatever (without midi learn) and it should be mentioned in the user guide :roll_eyes:
The secondary CC number based on the primary CC number + 64 should be also mentioned in the user guide.

This controller stills a very good value but I would like to use this function with my gear.

Edit : I could use a midi processor, it will make it possible

Hi twister users,

I contacted DJ TechTools for an hypothetical update for the twister. I thought about 2 things :

  • ability to send program change
  • ability to invert the settings of encoders. Start from 127 and finish to 0

If you’re interested by these features, please write a request to DJ TechTools :wink:

You can also propose other features ! Nothing happened since 2016 and I’m sure some improvements could be done :slight_smile:



Will do!
I’ll also add ability to set min/max values (have knob start at 32 and go to 119, for instance)


Yes ! Great adding :wink:

Edit : I also created a “Twister feature request” thread on the midi fighter forum.



I think with the new Faderfox EC4, they have some incentive to drop a firmware update and stay on top of their game.

I still prefer the Twister, due to its knob spacing and of course the high level of customization with color coding and indicator tweaks. But that EC4 with its DIN MIDI i/o and graphic display s gonna give them a run for their money, even at the higher price point.

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From the manual aka “user guide”:

System MIDI Channel

Allows you to customize the MIDI channel where global device messages such as Bank Navigation is sent. It’s 4 by default. If you change either the System or Encoder’s channels make sure they don’t overlap to avoid crosstalk.

So yea that’d be a conflict, requiring an update to the firmware.

DJTT replied that these features are on top of their list but as they’re a tiny staff, they have limited time and resources … (Matias from Faderfox is alone^^ :slight_smile: )
Anyway, we have to be patient and in the meantime, keep thinking for improvements.


tired of waiting after DJTT firmware upgrade, I sold my Midi Fighter Twister for an Electra One. All the features I was waiting for are already implemented and more will come in the near future. No regret :partying_face:


didn’t know I wanted this. …but now I do…


You won’t regret if you do it :wink:

Hi folks,

Considering one of these but wondered, can you have a controller appear on more than one page?

So say like an essential control that is say control one on each page, so it always visible and controllable even if all the other controls change on the different pages?


I think it can but I don’t know if each page would track the same value .
So if cc46 is dialled to zero I don’t know if the same cc46 on page 3 would display zero

I think the editor works without one plugged in…just setup same cc and midi channel and I don’t think it’ll complain.

Yes you can! And any changes you make on one page will be sent to the other page as well. As long as they are assigned to the same CC# (and I believe) on the same knob)

I do this with my OT, so that my looper’s level and EQ are always in the same place, on every page. It’s actually a feature I just stumbled upon recently.

Sadly, this is not the case. It needs to be hooked up.


Thanks for the update. It’s been a while since I had one.

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Wicked, ta

Anyone knows how to avoid side buttons to send MIDI messages? I´m going crazy with that.

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