Midi fighter twister

Does high res midi work very well with standard encoders? I imagine you would have to have some sort of velocity interpolation or something as turning a standard encoder 16383 clicks would be a bit insane.

Yeah, you need velocity smoothing like you said. As long as you have that, they can work quite well. Turn the encoder quickly to move through a large range of values, and then slow down when you want to just move through values with higher precision. It helps if you have encoders that allow you to adjust that velocity curve so you can find something thatā€™s intuitive for you.

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Still pondering whether to get one of these for DAW sampler control. For those that have tried this and Elektron devices, how do the encoders compare in terms of feel? (Resolution and acceleration). I know thereā€™s an acceleration/velocity curve setting available for it, but I think itā€™s just the one curve setting? Iā€™m wondering how that curve compares to the encoders in Elektron gear, Iā€™ve used the OT Mk.II and Digitone for reference.

Just got one of these, having some issuesā€¦

Has anyone got the shift encoder functionality to work? -


These just do not work for me.

EDIT: Found the solution on this forum post -

I read this (and other related) threads hoping to find an answer to this frustrating issue ā€” people posting that with the shift encoder hold set on a knob, a turn would send CC messages on channel 1. No matter what channel was selected for the knob, or for the encoder switch, after pressing the encoder and holding it down and twisting, it would always go to channel 1.

This behaviour was easy to see by configuring the knob to be on a different channel. Then you can clearly see: knob turn sends CC on the chosen channel, pressing the knob sends CC on ch2, and pressing/holding and turning sends CC on ch1. There seems to be no way to configure this in the utility.

Many people reported the same thing, and confusion because the manual says the shift encoder hold should, when held and turned, send on midi channel 5. And for some people it was working.

Someone mentioned you have to factory reset. People have said they tried that and it still didnā€™t work. I myself tried it and it didnā€™t work.

Hereā€™s the mistake I made. You canā€™t factory reset and then just import settings you exported BEFORE the factory reset. Those settings seem to have ch 1 baked in. Since it isnā€™t selectable in the utility the way the default (non held) channel and the encoder switch channels are, or even the system midi channel, it just seemed to default to 1. With the newest firmware if you factory reset first, then this defaults to ch5 on shift encoder hold. This is what we are all expecting.

So the bottom line is get the latest firmware. Upgrade. Then reset to factory settings. Then remap all your knobs and colours from scratch. Do not import a settings file made before the reset. I did this and am now happily sending on ch5 with any of the knobs Iā€™ve set to shift encoder hold.

Pretty poor that I had to do this tbh, but at least Iā€™ve now got the functionality I needed I guess. So if anyone gets an MFT be sure to factory reset when you get it.


This is a good reminder to folks that get one of these to factory reset as the first order of business. The Twister could be better if it had an improved software interface and was actively developed / supported. Itā€™s disappointing in that regard, but still a nice device if you can work within its limitations.


Anyone got the MFT Ableton Scripts and could share them with me? The https://techtools.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202874870-Midi-Fighter-Twister-Ableton-Scripts downloads page gives me application error and no other option to download.