Mod Wiggler

I think I’ve contributed to that quest, haha.

I never talked to him on the forums but met him in person at the SP show in St. Pete! And talked to Paul Barker for a while, sweet guy.

I was also all over the Harmony Central forums back in the day. Dogs on Acid too.


Baboon’s a really cool guy and legend in his own right. Bought a few things off of him, and he’s always been really welcoming. MW has quite a few of those types.

Haha this is so spot on. Each time I log on and go to the for sale section I think to myself “wonder what Baboon is selling today?”.


It’s surprising how nice he is when you actually talk to him, and don’t just throw shit back at him when he’s frustrated about something. :smiley: Very cool guy.


I met several people that I talk to here from there too. (Muff/Mod) Scot Solida and I talked there before I even joined here I think as one example.


It’s funny, people that I was friends with on KSS, were then not all that nice to me when I joined GS. :smiley: One of the reasons that I left there. One of those guys though has always been cool to talk to over the years and different forums. Clusterchord. He’s definitely biased toward his vintage gear, but we’ve had some great conversations.

I think a few people (myself included) grew a bit over the years, while others kind of degenerated a bit further into pure snobbery. I have the internal inclinations to be a little snobby, (maybe a little bit with wine for example) but I’ve learned to get past that over the years. Seems silly that some people never really get over some of those things.

I find it so much more valuable to have actual conversations WITH people, than to throw pseudoconversations AT people. This place tends to feel like having real conversations, which is nice. Muff’s used to more, but still does here and there. I haven’t written the place off, but it’s not what it once was.


I don’t think so, but I know who you’re talking about. I’ve had great coversations with KSS as well. Definitely a polarizing personality on there it seems, but we’ve had some great chats.

KSS was Keys Synths and Samplers forum on the old Harmony Central site.


This is a really great observation about getting old in general and one I try to stay aware of. It seems like people either soften or harden over the years and if you are actually aware of it, it can be a choice rather than some petrifying festering of the soul forced upon you by your worst nature.


Yeah, youtuber threads are going to be a subset of people tuned to perpetual outrage.

Nobody wants to see “Mr Yuck” faces in their recommendations, but that’s easy for me to stop getting recommendations for!

I think this is really it.

As you age, the list of things you can complain about increases based on knowing more, but also potentially being exposed to less new things and turning reactionary towards innocuous items and just screaming at your television/monitor.

Is a person advancing themselves or are they settling into the worse aspects of age and calcification of personality/identity into “it was always better”?

Even with valid complaints I could scream into the void forever. I don’t want all my interactions with other humans to be complaining or reacting to others instead of connecting or enjoying myself.

This is not that there aren’t fresh new hells, but i’m not going to solve them by ranting nonstop at strangers.


Actually, someone on MW explained to me one of the things about getting older that really bothered me but I had no explanation for which is sort of related to this: how by a certain age we sort of run out of novel experiences or that new(ish) experiences stop inspiring us in the same way/intensity when we were young. Not that knowing that provides a solution but I found the explanation to be helpful in a way. I can see how this pushes many people to become more bitter because it just feels so fucking sad some days.

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It’s hard for a number of reasons but it’s absolutely possible.

I mean I abstractly can understand how it happens, but the not quite “quieter” insecurity/narcissism of someone who thinks too highly of their own opinions certainly makes everyone else’s existence less magical :wink:

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Well, aren’t we as humans pretty much born as solipsists and our time on this planet is sort of a life long process to break free of it?

No? That’s more a societal programming, a “nurturing” of sorts.

And in the Cartesian sense my least favorite philosophical stoner discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

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I guess it’s how you cut if…I find that I consider another person’s interior life in a way now that I didn’t before but I have no idea what I thought about other people, or even if I did, as an adolescent.

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I don’t think this is true, or at least that it is necesarily a part of aging.

There are certain things that don’t quite intrigue me the same way that they once did, but there are others that still do, and there are new things that do as well.

I somehow manage to stumble on new experiences frequently. I DEFINITELY lived my 20s to their fullest potential when it comes to experiences. My 30s and now 40s though, have brought refinement to the process. Nuance to my responses to people, things, and situations, etc. I still manage to try new things, and enjoy new people and experiences though.

Things are definitely different, and I do get frustrated by some encroaching social “things” I’ll call them for now (hopefully not norms…) but things are as intrguiging, interesting, and fruitful as one allows them to be.

Being a bit flexible, and allowing oneself to adapt, while still maintaining a bit of tradition seems a healthy approach.

I’d rather get along with people in general. I’ve always been easy to get along with, professionally, personally, etc. but there was a time where I could also be pushy, insistive, and snobby. I still maintain a little of that for situations that require it, but I’d much rather be easy going and laid back. I’d rather have a drink with someone and discuss something or hash something out, then hold it in and hate them. There was a time when I could hold grudges, but I don’t do that now either.

Anyway, off topic a bit now, but I think it does apply in some small way. :smiley:


Not really off-topic as it’s a very MW type discussion!

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The problem that I’ve been running into (more online than in real life) is that I have a silly, sometimes a little dark, sense of humor. I’m not a mean person, I don’t like bullies, I don’t like bullying, and will actually fight against it, but I still have a pretty wild sense of humor, and still like to poke fun at things, conditions, situations that other like minded people find the humor in, but I could also see being a little on the edge of things. I love stand-up comedy. I grew up watching comics. I grew up in a time where people could say what was on their minds within reason. I’ve actively fought against biggotry, and have pretty much the entire gamut of humanity in a microcosm as friends. I get along with everyone generally unless you’re just plain not nice. :smiley: It has definitely seemed like some forms of humor though have been getting stifled in some places where they flourish in others. I typically either have a stand up set or a DJ set up on one of my monitors while I’m working. That is one area that I don’t like where we as people seem to be headed right now. That’s where I’ll leave this thought, but it directly impacted Muff’s, and some other places, and if feels like if you stick up for that free flowing throught process that you’re put into a category of not being nice, when really you like everyone. Tricky times… Too many fine lines to tread. It’s more than an age thing. It’s a power thing. That’s not something I like to get involved in if possible. Then, I’m not a control freak. I like to control my own little bubble of course, but I don’t have a drive to control others.


Ah, I mean it’s hard to separate us from the society we’re born into, but it’s definitely a different experience existing in public in some place where people are socialized while young (Berlin, chatting/Späti culture comes to mind) versus suburban America where people are taught to deprioritize public spaces are deprioritized and to call the police on anyone who exists on corporate, government, or even PUBLIC property because existing in public bothers… homeowners.)

There may be developmental understandings, but a lot of childishness and lack of development in America I can chalk up to cultural forces.

Anyway, back to Modwiggler :smiley:


Ok… I am happy to discuss Modwiggler further with you once I’m sure you’re actually human :wink:

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Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


Shush now! Drink your Kool-aid and go back to the Music Memes thread.
