Mod Wiggler

It was just a bad dream.


You should consider naming your next release Blood Pudding Pop.

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I agree buddy. People have gotten into the habit or learned to place labels on people entirely way too quickly. This naturally leads people to assuming they know exactly who that person is and what they’re all about. America’s political climate is a perfect example. Labels, labels, labels. We’ve loss the art of listening to each other. I sometimes have to remind myself, but I try to be a good listener. I don’t always have the patience for it, and there are certainly times, when people make it real easy to label them, but I mostly try not to. Now exceptions for everything of course. Needless to say there are exceptions.

BTW, comedy is a great example too.


I loved muffs at one point - it was my internet home after elektron-users went (nothing against anyone here but this place never felt the same to me).

It’s changed hugely since the euro explosion, and probably became a victim of its own success - I fell out of love with it. There’s no point me going over it too much really as j3rk covers it well I think (with his views on moderation and humour) - I think I’m right I saying he was there from the start? I was something of a jonny-come-lately in 2009 or so.

Full disclosure - I took a short term ban there too: One of the moderators took offence to a(n offensive) joke I made about his moderation. Another moderator made a similar joke, but obviously wasn’t poking a fellow mod while doing so. (That was when they changed the logo to one similar to that of the SS by accident- obviously irony doesn’t translate too well over text.)

I think when you’re pissing people off with your humour (and taking up the time of people you respect, who you know have been through recent trauma, in fixing that), are not enjoying the way a site you used to love is moderated (by some) and are getting little out of contributing it’s time to call it something of a day…

I still visit the 4U subforum and BST - I took a year out at one point and came back online to see a now mine e-mu modular… Yes!

I’ve so much to be grateful for due to muffs - irl friendships, the ear/views of a man who has used pretty much every sequencer out there (I’ve so much time for Nelson), a reasonable understanding of the ins and outs of modular, a real love for that approach and some white whale equipment.

It’s a shame that I no longer feel the desire to get involved in the conversation there - maybe that will change on day - but I suppose I’m happier thinking about the good times and the knowledge/friendships/magic synths I gained than stewing on the what’s wrong with it in the here and now. It moved on, I probably did too… But thanks.


And tell me - why is buchla so expensive, what’s the fattest filter in euro and who sat on the Milton?


There’s lots to avoid there but it’s still the best place on the internet for synth diy and frac rack.

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It’s by far my favorite forum for synth discussions and has been for many years. Most people that have issues with it seem to be the same people that forget it’s a place for synth discussion. In other words, it’s not a place to hear about your political opinions; it’s a synth forum. I don’t care about your political opinions. I do care about synth related topics.


The no politics thing has been a good thing for that site - can’t imagine how ‘lively’ it would have got without it. Not sure I agree with some of the more recent moderation around that though, which I think has become hypervigilant - for example the builder in the Ukraine who posted a photo of the war outside his window to justify delays in production was deemed political. No need.

But yes, an incredible knowledge base present - I sometimes wonder what my studio would look like without that place, since many choices were based on info from trusted knowledgeable folk over there. Where else could you pick the brain of someone like Graham Hinton, whose specialist knowledge in certain areas is beyond that of pretty much everyone. It all used to be shared so generously too (as in by everyone, not just Graham!)


Indeed on the frac - finally managed to track down a hex zone again the other week!

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Nice! I had been planning to buy a hex zone kit from John so I could banana it but we lost him before I could. I miss his short, bordering on cryptic, in the 3rd person posts. :crying_cat_face:

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The synth discussion is great there, and I always liked the colorful set of people and humor that breezed through.

I agree though politics don’t belong there. However, as tIB mentioned, being over-vigilent is not great. Have a little nuance, have a little creativity, and think before moderating someone into the ground would be the best approach.


Hehehe! Yes, I miss John too. Had a few email conversations with him back when I first started into modular and building. My first module and build was the Filthy Filter. :smiley:

The filthy filter was my second diy build…

I swore I wasn’t going to get back into modular, but apparently I’m not very good at swearing.



Well, I’m glad you did, because your modules are among the most beautiful around!


John was king of the five word answer! What a talented designer - I miss my old frac system, though I’m already getting the percussion section back together so you never know what’s next…

I had two hex’s back in the day - one for sequential switching, one for triggering out. The switching made a banana port not too trivial if I remember right. I had tom bugs look into it at one point but he didn’t fancy it in the end.

try cursing, less margin for error.

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For a brief moment over there it seemed like one of the mods was so jaded by it all he wanted posters to only post in a manner he felt suitable, completely ignoring his own posting style in the previous decade and a half!


Almost :joy:

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YES!!! Fancy forgetting the almost, crazy!

It’s weird that some mods cause such a stink over people deleting their posts considering that one pretty much wiped a lot of his post history away before having his name on there changed. But I guess that’s just how some junglists roll.

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