Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Can’t get the seq hold function to work, maybe doing something wrong…
From the manual… “Seq Hold: Holds the current sequencer step and repeats it, like a beat repeater. When
the button is released the sequencer carries on from the location it should have been
before the step was repeated so it will still be in time”.

When I let go of shift and seq hold button the sequence continues from the step where it was repeated, not where it should have been when the sequence progressed…

I’m on the latest firmware.

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IMO most impressive demo by a mile. It;s Jexus so not surprising. Some really amazing sounds he’s come up with here.

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pt.2 coming up soon, with more experimental, weird sounds, as he said)
btw: here’s the xtra sounds as audio only:
also Jexus impressions about A8


s*** ! thanks @azzimov, i now need this synth :rofl:


Can the Sequencer be triggered from the keyboard, and with the every press from the beginning ?

Hi all.
Just like I did for the Digitone I made a custom preset library for the Modal 8 synthesizer.
Check it here.
I messed around with it for some time and did my best to create some great atmospheric and lush sounds for it.
Best, B


Hey Argon8 owners, I have a question for you:

does your first keyboard key (the leftmost, first c) make strange noises when you push it? More specifically when you release it and the key goes up again.

I opened a brand new unit and this does not sound good. All other keys are fine.

Or maybe you heard about some quality issues with that?

Can you disable the sending out if CC messages? And only transmit note, aftertouch, pitch, modwheel.

The manual is kind of unclear. In settings, you can filter outgoing and incoming messages. But no further specifics are written.

Also, when in chord mode / inverted chord mode, are these inversions (note messages) transmitted over MIDI?


Can anyone check on their units? :pray:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is an interesting sounding synth with lot’s of flavours

No such problem on mine.

Yeah, you can disable notes/CC/program/etc separetely

chords just work locally, it’s not send through MIDI afaik

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Excellent, thanks man! :wink:
So this would make (the 8x) a great controller then for the digitone

Too bad about the chords as it would have been great if you could input those inversions into tge digitone sequencer.
Would also “fix” the one hand limited chord problem due to your other hand being occupied because it is holding down a step on the digitone.

The dude from Modal who is in the presentation video’s with Nick “PWM” Batt seems like a chill guy too.
I can’t find anything negative about this synth. But I keep looking! :wink:

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Wow! This is ultra-inspiring! It really took my creative production elsewhere. :slight_smile:

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Btw i really like this synth. Hating the shift button control method but the sound is exactly up my alley. I wish it had one knob per function though.

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That would be nice wouldn’t it. Modal has those stratosphere synths still – i think, though you seldom hear of them. Perhaps a real high end keyboard that had close to one knob per function would be popular. They’d have to sell a ton to make it worth doing though. Could it be some mix of Argon and Cobalt ? Dreams are free !

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Hello! Going to buy an Argon8x, anyone know is it works as VST in FL Studio?

New in Firmware v2.4

Aside from the new Factory Library Volume 2, the following feature enhancements are now available with the 2.4 firmware update:

  • Added more LFO synced divisions
  • Added Extended Oscillator Drift to upper range of Drift control. Rescaled patches accordingly
  • Added ‘Master’ Clock Source mode that always sends out MIDI clock
  • Improved MIDI reliability on macOS Big Sur
  • Improved arpeggiator sync when working with external sequencers
  • Improved expression pedal behaviour
  • Improved LFO1 sync when clocked from external MIDI

Also worth noting that Modal fixed quite a few bugs here, most notably the volume discrepancy issues with Unison-8 mode.


Fixed an issue that could cause Unison-8 levels to be inconsistent
Fixed issue where an external CC 0 (bank) message would cause the screen to switch to the ‘play’ page, if screen switching is enabled for external MIDI messages.
Fixed negative LFO1 Rate mod assignments increasing LFO speed
Fixed an edge case when loading a step sequence with 0 steps
Fixed Y+ to LFO1 assignment not always working as expected
Fixed negative modulation of LFO1 rate increasing the rate in some cases
Fixed app sync of XY lock parameter

It seems the range of Oscillator Drift has been doubled with this update, which means it is quite a bit more dramatic when turned all the way up.