Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

That video didn’t make me want one.


The video did nothing for me. But I still want one.

The one before was great though

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I’ve got my eye on this one. This latest video was OK, but the previous video showed great potential, and the small form factor is also very interesting.

I’m going to wait til after the holidays to see what others say when Argon8 is out in the wild.

Is there any detail on the “audio rate” LFO’s?
I want to know how far they actually go into audio rates.

Best regards,


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I would love to love this synth. But I have not yet heard any sounds that move me. I need to test it IRL as soon as possible.

Found some info on the LFO from Skulpt, which looks like very similar tech.

And, I must say that Skulpt is almost too similar, did they just build a keyboard around it?

Edit: After doing a bit of research the Argon8 has “higher resolution” waveforms according to Jackson Almond. Anyone’s guess on how much higher beacause Skulpt and Craft sounds very good IMO. Another difference is stereo output and effects.

Edit: I own an Argon8 now, and LFO2 goes to 20Khz, so it’s legitimately audio rate.

I know what you mean, although to me the oscillators are an expansion of the Craft2.0 oscillators… so it kind of feels like a bigger, swisher combo of the craft2.0/skulpt. But I’ve got both of those and so not feeling the urge for this even though it is quite smart.

If the Digitone Keys would not have sequencer, no overbridge and would not be multitimberal - would it hold up? Does sound it totally different? Apples and oranges? Or maybe green vs red apples?

Sure Digitone has deeper FM, but Argon8 has all kind of sound modulations and some more fx on top.


I’m finding the last 2 videos posted above weirdly underwhelming. Why are they not all guns blazing showing off this thing?

good question

I don’t think this has been posted… I think they just published the manual (I looked for it the other day and didn’t find it):


I just browsed a couple sections in the manual. The sequencer seems cool. I like the hold and loop functions, as well as quantize select. Also, the FX section seems cool. There are 3 FX slots, and any effect can be put in any slot, with the caveat that you can only use one instance of each type of effect per patch. That’s cool, I dig per-patch the customizable FX chains.


Same question here.
I don’t need a sequencer, Overbridge or multitimbrality.
Would prefer the DN form factor, but the Modal is what’s building up GAS in me.

Was that Photay presenting the synth?

That demo sounded like a cut off one of his albums

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You can also save FX presets and change them without changing patches. Or, rather, I think a patch is saved with an FX preset attached to it? I’m not 100% sure there.

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Yeah Photay.

Jackson Almond is pretty much a one man operation for Modal – project director, engineer, marketing director, musician, sound designer and presenter – he probably shot the video. (And why not – the guy has a pretty diverse set of abilties.) So he’s no doubt been practicing some tunes for this.

Modal app update dropped today with the note “Support for Argon8…”, so it can’t be much longer now.

I couldn’t wait, and pre-ordered an Argon8 :laughing:

I love my Arturia Keystep, but this is going to replace it in my setup.

My reasoning is that this has a more robust sequencer, a better keyboard, and it’s small enough that I can take it to another room to mess with.

Now that I know that the DT L&R input are stereo with OB into my DAW, that’s where the Argon8 inputs will go.

The other reason I pre-ordered is that I have a good feeling that reviews are going to be very positive, and then I could miss the first run. That might be faulty thinking, but I want it! :slight_smile:

Best regards,


2 Likes according to posts on their social media the Argon8 should be at stores by the 19th/20th. Fingers crossed I’m in Perfect Circuit’s first batch for shipping.

Really jazzed to get mine in and give it a whirl. It really seems like the perfect (affordable) poly for my needs. :slight_smile:


Man I so wish they did a module of this