Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Yeah, I just emailed Modal, and they said stores should start receiving stock by the end of this week. Very cool.


Wow, that’s great news!

I hope they send enough so that I get one with my pre-order :smiley:.

I’ve read the manual a few times, and really interested in using the sequencer to further shape patches. For example recording tweaking a knob on filter resonance and playing that on a loop, then doing the same for the spread parameter. I know you can load different patches and keep the sequence, but don’t know if you can do that with the sequencer running (because that would be cool for performance).

Best regards,




They really need to get some more demos of the sequencer and automation lanes going.
Looking at the manual but it’s pretty thin in that department.

Does anyone know if the real-time sequencer allows for ties? I see a glide setting under a knob in the oscillator section. Also noticed that they count the sequencer along the 16 buttons on the bottom but it spreads that out depending on how long your overall sequence is. I’m guessing no parameter locks then but maybe we’ll be surprised!

This must be the Prince special edition.


Yes - I want to know more about that too. In this video Jackson demonstrates sequencing parameters

Interesting that Jackson says 6 osc per voice in this interview.

Also interesting is that the price quietly went up $50 (announced at $699, and it’s $749 in the states)


The final finish on the front panel looks beautiful.

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Hmm an interesting set of tools in there… I gotta say though to me putting preset wavetable sets in a wavetable synth is pretty lame at this point in time imo. Let people slot in waveforms in what ever order they want to make wavetables that suit what they are trying to do, it just makes so much more sense when you are doing sound design to have that instead of trying to remember what wave goes into what with in a large list of wavetables that likely don’t really do exactly what you want anyways. It is almost like being given a tool kit with 50 different screw drivers each of which are different lengths and each have 3 different bits that only fit with that screwdriver, it ends up being a nightmare to think about so instead you just grab one and force it to work in whatever job you are doing.

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I´m stil looking for a nice versatile 8 voice digital Synth. I know they are quite different but has anyone thoughts about Argon vs Digitone …to me it seems as if they would cover similar grounds even though they are different in synthesis.

Oh man! I’m really torn on keeping my pre-order after watching Loopops video review.
There were many good things, no significantly bad things, but also arguably few to no “great things”.

Filter = Good
FX = Good
Oscillators = Good to Great
Sound Variety = Good to Great
Modulation = Good
Keybed = Good
ARP = Good
Sequencer = OK to Good
Panel / UI = Good to Great
Screen = OK to Good
Knobs = OK
Joystick = OK to Good
Envelopes = OK to Good
LFO = Good
Software = Good
Connectivity = Good
Value = Good

I don’t know what I was expecting, and maybe I was just in a mood when I watched it but things like the “512 step sequencer” fell flat for me. I was hoping you could see the values on each step and tweak them like the 002. Maybe a firmware update will address this.

Oscillator mods also sounded a bit tame to me. +2/-2 octaves for FM/PHM for example.

8 custom mod slots, 2 LFO’s (1 poly, 1 global), 3 envelopes… ok, that’s not “WOW” to me, and more expected. I wish it had looping envelopes though.

One cool thing I noticed was that the LFO wave shape morphs vs being fixed.

For me the success of the Argon8 depends on how exciting it’s firmware updates are.
I’m torn whether I want to be waiting for those updates, or vote with my wallet and hold off for a while.

Anyone else on the fence? Am I just being too negative here? Should I just get the thing, mess with it, and send it back if it doesn’t gel with me? I asked my outlet and I’ll have 30 days to make that decision.

Does anyone feel the opposite and was blown away?

Best regards,



I always find the loopop reviews to be really dull sounding, audio quality wise, so I’m not surprised that you didn’t find it exciting in that way. Even the Matriarch sounded really dull and lifeless in his video, but totally fantastic in others. Maybe it’s his interface or something in the chain. Also, I think he’s just trying to get through features. I would never base a purchase on the way synths sound in his videos. If you’re not into the feature-set though, that’s more of an issue when considering the purchase.


I was kind of on the fence too after his review, but he didn’t really showcase many sounds or patches. He did do a good job of the overview of features. I rewatched a couple of the earlier vids that showcase some sounds and that brought the interest back for me. I do think it sounds good. And I dig the sequencer, although I would like a step edit. It also hits the sweet spot for for size. This is type of synth that for me, I would not want a larger 5 or 6 octave version of. And with all of the knobs, it might double a good midi controller.

And as Loopop mentioned in his video, be sure to email Modal and let them know about feature requests. That is what I am going to do.


Thanks, sound advice (pun intended).

For me it’s that I’m not a big spender on music equipment. I’m not cheap either, but my last purchase was the DT, and that set a very high bar. The DT is well worth the price, and priced perfectly IMO.

I convinced myself that the Argon8 could replace my midi controller with something that makes sound, and might be able to squeeze it into my case, so I pulled the trigger.

Since then I’ve been a mess thinking about it, as my OCD kicks in.
My 18 year old daughter told me to calm down :slight_smile:

I wisely told her that being alive is wanting things, and my rule of life is “if you want it, and you can afford it, then you need it”.

I really enjoy being excited for new things, and investing in music (hobby or professional) because it’s admirable (esp if you share your art). I’m keeping my pre-order, I really like Modal, and trust they will do their best. And your right that it’s my opinion that matters most. Loopop is very very good at what he does, but it’s driven by being comprehensive and thorough vs being artistic. Photay showed what Argon8 can sound like, and that impressed me.

Best regards,



Nice! Excellent reasoning. I’ve been trying to justify purchasing one, but I just had a Korg DS-8 arrive in the mail, and my Peak is sitting right next to it, so for the time being I’m telling myself to use what I have! I want this thing pretty bad, the form factor is sooo appealing!


If you want it, and you can afford it, then you need it :smiley:

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I found that a little surprising, too, and I also hope it is something that might be addressed in a subsequent firmware.

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lol I had the same rationale for my pre-order. The keys seem like a great step up from my Keystep and I have enjoyed what I’ve heard of the sound engine (plus I’ve been missing some digital hardware since I sold my DN)

I also have OCD and it makes purchases like this such a headache :sweat_smile: that’s actually my biggest issue with the delay, it’s let me have too much extra time to overthink it!

But yeah I agree with all of the loopop commentary above. The video had very little in the way of interesting sounds, but that’s not usually his objective. Pretty every other video that is patch-focused has impressed me, so I’m keeping my pre-order and praying it ships before too long.

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You mean you can morph the shape on the lfos?