Model 1 DJ/Studio mixer

I ended up with a Xone:92 which is pretty perfect for mixing in headphones and is a lovely mixer. Maybe one day I’ll get the Model 1

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Hi guys,

Im looking for feedbacks about this mixer, because I’m thinking on buy it.

I want to use it for typical studio use: record synths, grooveboxes, etc and as summing mixer of my computer buses, adding some drive and a little touch of eq.

Now, I’m working with a dangerous summing mixer. Do you think that the sound quality can be comparable with the dangerous summing mixer?

I do not know the Dangerous summing mixer.

To my ears, the Model 1 with its overdrive circuit, filters, and EQs sounds absolutely beautiful.

Some caveats: I think it is a mixer that is geared towards live and DJ maybe more than studio use - many of its features such as the multiple outs, booth eq, zero-crossing detection, stereo aux and return buses (as well as the phono preamps) may not be so relevant in a studio setting. You need to use the DSub ins to connect your gear via balanced connections. One thing I find really annoying for using it with mono gear is that the channels are L/R stereo only (ie they cannot be panned and you cannot run them as dual mono, and when you just plug in a mono signal, it is not ‘normaled’ to L/R; in other words: to feed a mono synth, you have to use a splitter and send the same signal to both sides of a channel).

But still, the sound and feel of the mixer is quite gorgeous…

Cosmetically, the screen print on mine rubs off very easily, and the white LEDs are of slightly different hues. This doesn’t really matter to me (and maybe things are better in more recently manufactured Model 1s), but I understand that some people find this difficult to accept for a mixer in this price range.

Final comment: service/repair is available via the quite dense network of Allen & Heath technicians, which I found very reassuring and pratical when I needed to replace a defective card in mine.


Thanks CCR,

Most of the analog mixers used in small/home studios today are designed to live environment (midas, ABP,…) because the mixers designed for studio are big and expensive.

I don’t use mono gear. All my synths are stereo (modular included) and the busses from computer is coming out in stereo also. It’s not a problem for my.

My doubt is about the quality. Using the dangerous, I have a great noise/level ratio and better stereo image than mixing in the box. I want to ensure that I will keep this features with the model 1, adding the drive, filters, etc



You and I have VERY similar tastes in gear!

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Hi Henry,

Are you using the model 1 for summing?


Well currently everything is away in boxes TBH - but yes, main outs from machines into the M1 for live jams / sending to effects etc. Also connect my interface so can pull any channels from DAW and put them through the M1, record the master and cue B, and use cue B as output to Octatrack and / or Syntakt. Love it.

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I thought this would be interesting to learn for any model 1 owners. Honeysmack discussing the mods he has done to the model 1… jump to min 35:22


This is ace… would love direct outs…

As it happens, I’m looking to sell my Apollo 16 interface, which has DB25s… it’s the perfect interface for using with Model 1 - has DSUBs etc.

Need the cash, and have a smaller MOTU interface that can work for me for now.

Cheers, Henry

Glad I’ve found this topic !
I’m on the market for a mixer for live (techno / modular) and the Model 1 is a big contender.
The fact that my studio isn’t that big, I need space and I’ll probably swap my main studio mixer for it.
So, my question is, some of you swap their studio mixer (Midas, Tascam, …) for the Model 1 ? What is your experience so far ?

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I found that the six stereo channels + 2 stereo returns were way enough for me to handle.

One thing you need to be aware of is that the Model 1 is not well suited for mono sources. There is no panning for inputs, no dual mono option, and the stereo inputs do not switch to mono if only one side receives a signal. This means, when you want to feed it a mono synth you need to use a splitter cable or a sub-mixer.

Further, you need to know that you have to use the DSub connectors (eg. with a DSub 25 - 8xTRS breakout cable) if you want to feed it a balanced signal. And there are no fx inserts, ie all external effects need to be on send.

On the positive side, I do not not know many analog studio desks with stereo aux sends and returns, and I also find the multiple outputs (master 1, master 2, booth on the desk and via DSub, and a record out on mini jack on the front) very convenient.

In my view, the Model 1 sounds extremely good, and the overdrive, filters, etc. are incredible. I like it very much for performing, but you have to keep in mind that it was conceived as a DJ/live performance mixer, not as an ultra-flexible studio desk.

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Indeed, very good advice / input!
All my sources are stereo (even my modular system thanks to a stereo output module).
I have an Apollo x8 so a DSub to 8 TRS Jack is great.
My studio process when creating a track is to record each element separately and not during a jam which makes things easier for studio sessions Vs live sessions.
I’m going to buy the Model 1 (probably, thinking about the 1.4 too) first and see if it can replace my studio mixer with no problem.

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A4 + m1.4

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Antelope Orion 32+?

Can you guys tell me if I can use the DSub in of the Model 1 and the phone inputs at the same time ?

Example : I send track 1 from Ableton to CH1 of the Model 1 and my modular system on the CH2 of the Model 1 thanks to the phono inputs

Yes, thats possible. You can select the input for each channel. Have a look at p. 5 of the manual. (You can also have both connected and switch inputs.)

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I didn’t check it yet because then I won’t be able to wait. This is a good news, definitely opening things up for lives !

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I have an opportunity to get a Model 1 used at the same price of the 1.4 new. With all the « little » issues I did read in this thread, not easy to decide especially with his price point ! I have a Midas F32 (not using the FireWire) so my studio needs are already filled which means I can live with a LED or Cue (buzz issue) but I would love to hear people feedback after all these months :slight_smile:

What Model 1 niggles are you referring to?