Model 1 DJ/Studio mixer

Glad it worked out!

How does the Model 1 compare to Pioneer’s new 6-channel mixer?

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Not the exact same issue as I had Dsub25 to TRS.
But the thread was indeed the issue :slight_smile:

I have to say i absolutely love running audio through this thing…

do you guys think it is safe to use TS cabling on the aux sends/renturns and master section?

the manual does not explains very clearly about this.
there are specifications for the output in unbalanced mode on the master section so I suppose it would be ok, obviously the 6 main channels accept unbalanced RCA or balanced via DSUB, but unclear for the rest.

Sound wise, how does this compare with the SSL SiX? I have a SiX and thinking about selling it and getting the Model 1. I find the lack of stereo EQs on the SiX very limiting at times. Especially if there ever any noise.

The one thing I think I might miss is the Compressor on the SSL SiX, I have not clue if that’s the case.

For context, my current setup is a midi sequencer that sequences all my synths into the SiX and then from there, I record to tape.

I’m also interested in that comparisons.

I sold my Six recently and been using Model 1 for a few weeks now. The sound quality is very good. :sunglasses:

I miss the mono mic pre’s of the six and the bus compressor but what I gain is well worth it for me.


Really interested in this mixer. Can I ask If you’re recording, do you have the Cue B outputs running into the DAW then just assign whatever channel you want to record to it? I’m imagining having the main output going into 1&2 on the soundcard then Cue B into 3 & 4?

I have never tried this, but could be interesting… I just stick to the main stereo output. 1 aux send going back into my octatrack for sampling, and the other going to my fx. At the moment, not even using Cue B! I’ll start experimenting…

Ah nice, I’d love to hear how you get on if you get round to it, sounds like it might be pretty sweet!!
I’m currently stuck in an endless mixer search, going between the Model 1, SSL Six, Tascam Model 12 etc etc etc!!

If your not using the fx sends i recon better using them to record.

Hmm ok, I imagine I’d want to at least be have the option to use them for fx, why not not the Cue for recording?

Use cue if you prefer. I’d just prefer using a send as one knob sends the sound with level/gain. But if your using the sends for fx then cue remains your option.

I see, cheers. Wasn’t sure if there was maybe some kind of technical reason but I get what you mean.

this looks great. really eyeballing the model 1. Am I correct that there is no master insert (for a compressor or something like that), just 2 stereo aux send/returns? that would be a bit of a dealbreaker.

I’d like to know this too

No inserts, “just” 2 regular stereo sends (1 post fader and 1 pre or post fader) and a third possible stereo send via cue B and DSsub (pre fader); 2 stereo returns.

thats a pity and a shame for that pricepoint!

Depends on your use case. I think its sound and sound shaping capabilities are absolutely outstanding. Other mixers may have more features, but this one has been a huge step forward in live performance for me. (I have gotten mine for a very good price, though.)