Model 1 DJ/Studio mixer

Did you notice that the filters dont kick in if sounds aren’t loud enough through the left channel? I only just discovered this as I was messing with an erica synths bassline on the rca right channel and found that the filters never kicked in. It does work if sound is coming through the RCA left channel. Bit of a quirk.


Yes, same for me. I think it is related to the zero-crossing detection for the master filter and master eq. I talked to another user who noticed the same. In practice I found this less an issue when I have multiple channels going. Another quirk (about which I also read in one of the reviews) is that the white line/phono leds do not all have exactly the same colour. But beyond these two points I am very happy with it.

Edit: Another, cosmetic issue is that the screen printing on my Model 1 rubs off quite easily. So, although I am super happy with its sonic qualities, there are definitely some issues. Mine has a s/n around 300; maybe this was solved in later batches.

Don’t have one of these, but have been eyeing, for the insert can’t you just go master out -> effect -> speaker?

I feel like master -> outboard effect -> recording device, should be fine.

If this did have channel/master inserts it would be amazing

this is possible, I believe so too, however the outputs are balanced I believe, so would be a pity if the fx box after is not (like BOUM for instance)

Yes, I had 3 replacements and noticed the leds were different on every replacement. The distributor asked me why do you want this mixer if the last 3 had issues? All I could think was that it sounds 10x better than my db4. Everything that I’ve recorded sounds better and I’m enjoying 6 channels and being able to sculpt the sound.

Still have the db4 which I think still rocks as I Iove the convenience of effects/looping etc that is all in one mixer.


do you really need a d-sub to use cue B as a send to e.g. the inputs of the octatrack? couldnt you use the output on the front of the mixer for this?

You could maybe use the Cue B headphone output, but the DSub is balanced (not that this matters much for an fx send), and I really like the clean and easy connection of all outs and ins on the DSub25 connectors (with a DSub25/8xjack snake). For the fx sends, you can also send to two external devices each by using both the DSubs and the 1/4" outs. (For the ins, using jack or RCA “overrides” the DSub.)

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Yeah I understand it can be handy, but the DSUB cables are not cheap and if you have synths spread out over the entire room I can imagine the length of the jacks (and the varying distances) might be a problem.

Come to think of it, if you want a balanced output going to C&D to the octa for sampling purposes, you could also use the booth out?

In terms of master outputs you have main 1 (with gain), a second master out with its own gain, the booth out with gain and two-band eq, as well as a 3.5mm trs record out. All four master outs are after the three-band master eq.

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cool! so basically yes, you could use one of the master out options and route it to the inputs of the octa (and the output of the octa in one of the stereo in channels on the model 1)

@ccr: which DSUB cable are you using (to use the 3d AUX / Cue B)? how long are the jack cables after they split from where they merge to the DSUB? Thanks!

I am using Cordial CFD DVT cables ( available for example from Thomann. They exist in 1.5m, 3m and 5m length. The cable splits about 30cm after the DSub plug (see photo). I recommend a look at the Model 1 manual to see which DSub pins corresponds to which outputs.

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The dsub is one of things that keeps me coming back to this mixer over the xone 96. In the studio hooking it to the patchbay like this. (Won’t matter so much in a live setting and I could see why it might be frustrating)

In a live setting I would probably be a bit concerned about the very fine breakout cables. On the other hand, I have all my boxes in one case, which means that I could simply unplug the mixer side and put the multicores in the case, leaving all the boxes plugged in.


do you use the model 1 only fo live performances? or do you also use it for recording as well?

Very nice, coming closer to buying the model 1

I don’t use a patchbay but everything is on a big desk, so I think a dsub for the outputs would be veru welcome, mainly to use the cue B as 3d send to input C/D of my octatrack. Thanks @ccr

2 more questions before I decide:

1: I hear / read something about trouble with the faders: see this video, do you have this too? I don’t see clearly what the problem is though:

2: do you think the non linear faders is a problem when using it in studio with synths?

3: what I dislike is that there is no master insert for a saturation/compressor box. How do you solve this? I intend to use 1 send/return for a reverb, 1 for a delay, and 1 to my octa, so I guess they are all ocupied then. I guess I could ofcourse send the master out through a compressor/saturation box (like BOUM or HEAT), but then I can’t really hear that through the headphone cue (which most of the time I will make use of I believe). Curious to hear your thoughts on this limitation (if it is any) and also other things you dislike when compared to other mixers like e.g. the XONE 96.

Thanks for your time/opinions!

I looked at the Youtube video and do not clearly understand the issue either. I think you can hear that the HP master filter removes some bass when it is activated. As mentioned in one of the posts above, the zero-crossing detection does not react if the signal in the channel is low (below -6dB on my mixer), but this is clearly not the case in the video.

The faders work fine for me. I needed to get used to the asymmetric channel “sculpt” and master eq cut/boost, but I think it is actually very well thought out to emphasize cutting more than boosting.

I use an Analog Heat as a send effect, and I am thinking about adding a master buss compressor, which I would add after the master out.

I have not used any other DJ style mixer, but I like its sound, especially the headroom and the possibility to add subtle overdrive to the signals. It is very hands-on but still provides some flexible routing.

One aspect that I did not think about is that you cannot plug in a mono signal (there is no panning possibility). So, when you have a mono synth or a single voice from AR, for example, you need to split the signal and use an entire stereo channel, otherwise you hear the signal only on one side…

Thank you! interesting thoughts
I have OTO BIM and BAM that I want to use as sends,
but also have Heat and Boum, that I could put on master perhaps.

I also have a moog sub 37, which is mono, so you are saying I would have to occupy one stereo channel and use a mono jack to two mono rca like this one to connect it?

Yes, you need a Y cable (mono to 2xmono). I use a Cordial CFY 0.3 PGG for connection to the DSub-TRS breakout cable.

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