
If you got a carbon fibre for that price . You just got it very right lmao

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I’m all about that “Glooms TECH” preset :sunglasses:


Yes, I hear you. With my OT, JU-06A and this, I think I will be happy for a long time to come. (Previously lusted after a MnM, but know it won’t be as productive as this one). Can’t wait!

Edit: still have a DN too, but only reason I didn’t sell it recently was because I love my patterns too much but now seriously considering jettisoning that too. I need cash soon!

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There’s room on the back for elektron machines lol :joy:

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Problem is they didn’t include the radio or the sherbet, fuming right now.


Throw it in the sea

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Yes I intend to, after carefully removing all the plastic parts first.


I just biked in to say that I’m all aboard the pre-order express… toot! toot!

I’m genuinely flabbergasted at how much you can get from such a streamlined box… my mind is spinning at the opportunities. And I’m saying that as a DN/DT/MDUW/MnM owner. I had already been starting to give serious consideration to how the M:S could work for me (thanks to @AdamJay for his sterling work in exploding myths) and that’s also now starting to feel like an inevitability too…


aye I’m similar.
OT, sh01a & mc now.
(also have MDuw & DN but as separate mini setupz)
gonna bench the sh01a for a bit when the mc arrives.

OT n MC ftw :cowboy_hat_face:

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You’re mistaken: this is a cycle to get to the store for the real (model) cycle.

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Jealous! I’m out of likes because of the mega teaser thread. But just know that I love your comment. SH-01A was a loyal companion for my band’s first EP

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Has this one gone up? Don’t remember passing it…pretty tite.


deadly :slight_smile:
I’ve an EP comin out next month that’s just OT & Sh01a :cowboy_hat_face:


Fuck yeah! Be sure to link me up :slightly_smiling_face:

will do :wink:
got a link to yer bands ep?

I’m sure this will get booted for irrelevance but click it before the mods come down on me:

All DT, TR-08, SH-01A, VP-03, guitar and vocal :blush:


nice one, gonna give it a spin :metal:t3:


First tune is mint :ok_hand:t4:

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I’m interested about the polyphony and midi translator things.
Maybe some of you know how each machine is tuned ? Are they all tunable “in key” and do they answer to same octave/notes ?
Will per example a C2 note will trig a C2 Kick, a C2 snare and a C2 Tone / HH ? OR are the machines having different octave responses as on the machinedrum :
Here we can see on MD notes/octave are not the same on each machine :


What the hell is that? I like it!