
aliens :alien:


Two questions:

  1. Where can I get stickers? Are there a few in the box? If so … also those we can see on Cenk’s cycles?

  2. Has anybody already had a look inside and can tell me if it is possible to fit some batteries in there?

Is there any full break down of how the FM is set up in all the different machines yet?

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@Elektron @Ess @eangman @andreash
request to have the pigeon superhero (unison image) as an official emoji here :grimacing:


I thought the same thing! I just got Plaits this week and have been loving it! Way cooler than I thought it would be. Then after checking out the Sound cloud samples had the thought that this thing might be like a stack of Plaits with the Elektron sequencer.

Tracking shows I will have mine Monday!

I will feed it with the Launchkey Mini mk3. The Arp on it is very full featured.


I might have to switch to light mode for that


Yeah, I was going to grab one but then after the loopop video and bobeats I get the same vibe. I still may get one but curious in a month’s time to see the feedback from the early adopters and if they feel it is shallow in depth


I had it in the cart but decided to do the same.

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This is must see!!!


Someone just needs to make an epic sample pack and I will load it onto my DT and be a happy and wealthier man


The Elektron soundcloud playlist was all I needed to know this thing has vast potential.
I’ve never found that limitations make something get stale, but rather they inspire one to constantly push forward, and discover new pathways within the limitations.

There’s enough here, between the dist, various tonal shaping parameters, punch, gate, and using the sequencer as a modulator… to be as fresh as you want it to be.


Nice, can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the combo dude!

Maybe, but I wonder how quickly you can get happy accidents, and how many sweet spots there are. Not dissing it, its a restricted device, and has great workflow because of it. Just might be a bit samey except for those sweet spots, and how quick do you find yourself going to the same sweet spots once you learn the engines…
Just my thoughts, obviously need to try it in person


Agreed. People will probably make some abrasive stuff to begin with, just to see how far they can push the machines, then later on roll back a bit. Everyone can surely find a sweet spot for their tastes with this thing.

so you can add the same machines, multiple times on different tracks?

example: 3 perc tracks?

I rather use this strictly for drums and have the chord-machine for anything else.



thats all I needed to hear, thanks. done deal. :package:

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You can even select/plock different machines per step on each and every track :hugs:


thats amazing.
finally just collectively going over features I overlooked.